Greetings Steemians
How are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are in perfect health and enjoying your day, as for me I'm perfectly fine and also healthy.
Today I will be participating in a contest organize by @aviral123 here in the hindwhales community which is titled "Challenges in life", ohh yes life is full of challenges and obstacles but it takes courage to be able to overcome them.
A man is not a man until he fights survival and wins
Why Are Challenges Important In Our Lives?
The question is just like asking why is education important in our lives? Which the answer is very clear that education is important because it exposed, train and develop a person academically, psychologically, mentally etc.
Which same is applicable with lives challenges, it is very important because without lives challenges they will be no moral lessons which is to say that when a person faces challenges and overcome them it teaches them a lesson and serves as guidelines which they won't let such a thing repeat itself again.
Should We Face Every Challenge With Strength? How Should We Prepare Ourselves For This?
Yes absolutely, every challenges should be face with optimum strength so that it won't be able to weigh us down, take the meaning of challenges for example which is said to be something difficult which requires great or maximum effort to overcome.
So you see that according to it's definition we can certainly tell that only with maximum effort can we be able to overcome lives challenges.
And also when it comes to ways of preparing ourselves for challenges it's also like preparing for an accident which just like the name describes it is an unexpected occurrence which may seems nearly impossible to be prepared for.
So being prepared for challenges is somehow like preparing for an accident which seems nearly impossible take for example you had an important event to attend then maybe you were trekking and had no transport then all of a sudden it's starts raining you will have to branch somewhere and stand for the rain to subside before you continue and automatically you will be late.
Why Should We Step Back Out Of Fear Even Before Facing Challenges?
It is very important to step out of fear before or when facing challenges because with fear nothing can be overcome so in other to be able to deal with our lives challenges we must first of all overcome fear.
Because dealing with challenges is just like a Christian praying which we all know that it is useless to pray without faith for prayer without faith is just a mear rap song in God's ears.
So in other to be able to overcome challenges we must first of all overcome fear then stand firm on our grounds look the challenges in the eye and face it head on
What Kind Of Challenges Do We Face In Our Life? Explain It .
They are so many kinds and types of lives challenges but it all depends on the type and kind of person in question because some people may be facing financial challenges while some may be facing health related challenges others may be going through relationships challenges.
So you see they are so many kinds of challenges which a person may face in his or her life depending on the type of kind of person in question.
Many people around the world are currently facing lots of life challenges as we speak some of which are so unbearable and so uncalled for but it is our sole responsibility to stand our grounds with lots of self confidence and face our challenges head on.
This will be the end of my entry and I will like to invite