Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W3 | "Money or Peace?"

in hive-179660 •  6 months ago 

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the third week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about money or peace.

Are we all sacrificing peace to make money?

We all want to live in peace and money plays a very important role in our life to live a peaceful life. Once one starts earning one has to sacrifice many peace because to earn we have to do many things against our will. But is it possible to earn money and peace at the same time?

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Undoubtedly, earning money helps us solve our financial problems and live a peaceful life. But earning money is not easy. To earn, we must step out of our comfort zones and work hard to fulfill our desires, it can disrupt our peace.

People sacrifice their peace to earn money because financial stability can solve many problems. They work hard all day to earn money and then return home seeking peace. So it shows that earning money requires us to do many things against our will and compromise our peace.

Which is wiser to spend and earn or to spend after earning and saving?

If man could be assured of how long he would be on earth, he would work for a certain period of time and save money and then spend it. But in reality we do not know for how long our permanence on earth. Savings is very important for us, it helps us to secure our future. It is not bad to be frugal after earning. But if earning is only for saving then we will never get real happiness of life.

None of us know about the future. There is no guarantee that we will be able to spend according to our plans the money that we save by worrying about the future and sacrificing our necessary needs and desires. But if most of the earnings are spent on a lot of unnecessary things or luxury hobbies, you may have to suffer for it. We all know that we need to spend to survive, so the ideal is to fulfill our needs and desires and save the rest.

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Apart from money, what brings you peace and happiness?

Apart from money, many things bring me happiness and peace. I love exploring new places and traveling. Traveling brings me happiness. I don't want to waste my precious time only just to earn money. I want to experience the beauty of the world while I can, as I may not be able to do so in the future. Moreover, meeting loved ones, spending time with family and socializing with friends bring me great joy.


I would like to invite my friends @enamul17 @mostofajaman @solaymann to participate in this content. Contest Link

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Very thoughtful post...

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hola amigo las personas ven el dinero solo como una metra que deben de conseguir mediante el trabajo, nunca podemos predecir cuánto tiempo pasaremos en la tierra por lo que el gastar dinero para nuestro disfrute no es una mala decisión para nosotros, la afirmación de que la belleza está en lo simple es correcto debemos de apreciar lo que nos rodea.


Salam respected @ripon0630!

It is a wise idea that you balance spending with saving. Saving money is essential but it is also important to enjoy life adventures like traveling. How do you choose between putting money down for experiences now and saving for the future? I really love adventure. I also keep two thousand per month and enjoy traveling by this amount each year in vacations.

Hola mi querido amigo @ripon0630, un placer saludarte

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amigo, ganar dinero nos puede ayudar a tener una vida más cómoda, y por ende más tranquila porque resolver todo aquello que podemos hacer con el dinero nos trae tranquilidad a nuestra vida, eso es innegable, pero también esta la otra cara de la moneda como dice el dicho, si nos volvemos un máquina de sólo hacer dinero, eso también nos roba la paz y no solo eso, nos quita tiempo para pasarlo el familia y disfrutar de eso que hemos obtenido a través de nuestro esfuerzo, yo pienso que hay que buscar un equilibrio en todo, trazandonos metas, porque la idea debe ser, ganar dinero, cubrir tus necesidades y la de tu familia y disfrutarlo también, porque almacenar dinero no tendría sentido sino pudieras disfrútalo con tus seres queridos.

Como bien lo mencionas tu, muchas personas sacrifica su vida, su paz, su salud, para ganar dinero, se enfocan tanto en hacer dinero que llegan a perder hasta a su familia y muchas veces su salud, por eso te digo que en la vida todo tiene que tener su tiempo, su momento, hay que trabajar, ganar dinero porque es necesario para cubrir muchas de nuestras necesidades, pero también es muy importante que le demos importancia también a otras cosas, la familia, la salud.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

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