"Pick a Word, Paint a Story #05"

in hive-179660 •  2 months ago  (edited)

Hello my steemian friends,

This is my participation in the contest” “PICK A WORD, PAINT A STORY #05" By @senehasa in Hindwhale Community


In our country, after the scorching heat of June and the body getting scorched by the heat, the first shower of monsoon and its light fragrance rising from the ground always had a romantic effect on my body and mind. I always used to wait for the arrival of monsoon. As soon as the first shower of rain fell, my body and mind used to dance.



In the jungle, peacocks also start dancing spreading their wings, animals and birds start chirping happily. I also always climb the roof of my house in this first rain and take off all my clothes and play with the rain water wearing only underwear and vest.

I have seen that on the roofs of other houses like me, people are also enjoying the drizzle of the first rain, either alone or in pairs with their friends. And after enjoying for some time in the same way, the taste of pakoras made by mixing potatoes, onion, cabbage, brinjal, paneer in gram flour and sips of hot tea add to the beauty of this rainy season.



But today I am telling such a story of rain, which the organizer of this competition can understand very well, because she too is a resident of a coastal area.

A few years ago, I came to Mumbai for work of my pharmaceutical company before the rainy season started. It is said that even the weather department cannot predict rain in Mumbai. That day, after finishing my work, I went alone to Mumbai's Chopati [Mumbai's famous coastal area] to roam in the pleasant atmosphere. The distance of Chopati from my hotel room was 20-22 kilometers, I came here by taxi.

After reaching here, I was happily roaming on the seashore, and enjoying the surrounding view, when suddenly dark clouds covered the sky, darkness prevailed in the sky, strong winds started blowing, sea waves started rising, the tourists who had reached there started going back home. Seeing the horror of the weather, I too got scared and I decided to go back to my hotel room.

And when I was leaving from there, it started raining very heavily, it seemed as if the clouds would pour out all their anger, in a short while the roads started filling up with water, traffic stopped, people started taking shelter wherever they found a place, I also took shelter in a tin shelter outside a three-storey building, there were already some other people like me standing there.

In a short while the rain took a terrible form and the roads were filled with water up to 3-4 feet, we all drowned in water up to our waist. Children and women started crying. Then the owner of the building showed mercy on seeing us drowned in water and asked us to come to the first floor of the building, the rain continued in its terrible form for about 12-13 hours and the ground floor of almost all the buildings on the roadside was submerged in water, all the vehicles parked on the roadside were drowned in water.

Due to so much rain, the electricity supply was also temporarily cut off. All of us refugees were sitting in some corner of that building, hungry and thirsty, in dark silence. We were thankful that our lives were saved. The water started receding from the roads only after 10-12 hours of the rain stopping. We all were stuck there for about 25-26 hours.



There was no sound of any vehicle anywhere. Perhaps all the vehicles had broken down due to being submerged in water. The next day at 2 pm when the roads became walkable, I decided to go back from there on foot. After walking about 4-5 kilometers, by the grace of God, I found a three-wheeler and reached my hotel room by sitting in it. After sleeping in my room for a few hours, I decided to go back to my city.

And the memory of this terrible incident and the night spent due to rain never leaves my mind.

I also want to invite here
@mehwish-almas @tammanna @suryati1 and @zisha-hafiz


Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,


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I love to watch the rain through the glass of my window, sipping a hot cup of tea. However, reading about your memory episode made me shiver in terror. I might have hated the rain from that day if I had experienced such a horrible incident. Fortunately, so far, I do not face such a bad memory. Thank you for raking in the contest and sharing your memories of the rain.

Hello respected friend,
Thank you for understanding the message of my story and commenting on it in a very interesting way. We humans learn a lesson from every accident but the effect of many accidents affects us only for some time and such incidents remain in our conscious and subconscious mind. But we cannot ignore the activities and miracles of God. That incident may be scary but the owner of that building helped us and saved our lives. Should we forget this?
With best wishes.

Definitely, those are the experiences that add to our lives.

Thank you very much for the support.

Banjir yang sangat mengerikan, namun di tempat saya banjir sudah biasa teman apakah anda tahu? Dalam seminggu saja bisa 2 sampai 3 kali kami mengalami banjir apalagi di bulan 12 seperti ini.

Tinggi air juga tidak kaleng-kaleng bisa mencapai Sepinggan ataupun sebahu orang dewasa, barang dan perabotan harus kami pindahkan ke tempat yang lebih tinggi, rumah penduduk sudah tidak aju lagi bagaimana.

Saya masih ingat kalau itu saya masih sekolah SD kelas 2 kalau tidak salah, saat subuh banjir datang menyapa kami, saya yang masih terlelap tidak di bangunkan oleh orang tua saya.

Anggota rumah sedang mengemasi barang untuk di letakkan di tempat yang tinggi ada juga yang di gantung di sudut ruangan pokoknya dimana bisa menyelamatkan dari air yang datang tiba-tiba, tempat saya tidur sudah kaki ranjangnya sudah rusak, dan naasnya waktu saya bergerak memposisikan badan saya agar lebih nyaman, kaki ranjangnya patah dan saya mendarat mulus ke lantai yang sudah di penuhi air.

Semua badan saya basah, orang tua saya dan yang lainnya segera menolong saya antara mau ketawa atau sedih melihat saya sudah kecemplung air banjir, ada-ada saja kejadiannya.

Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya di setiap ada kontes, semoga anda beruntung teman, dan lebih berhati-hati lagi kalau hujan turun apalagi saat kali pertama, kalau kami dilarang bermain karena bisa menyebabkan sakit kepala, tunggu hujan turun lebat beberapa jam baru kami bermain hujan juga.

Hello friend,
Thank you for your interesting comment and understanding the message of my story and commenting on it. This life is a box filled with good and bad events, we all have to face them. But whatever God wills will happen.
With best wishes.


Thanks @aviral123


The description of the strong winds and rising seas adds a dramatic tone to the story, allowing the reader to feel the tension you felt at the time. Your decision to return to the hotel also reflects the right sense of caution when faced with bad weather.

thank you. good luck

My dear learned friend, when a true description of an event is taken, every possible effort is made to write the event verbatim, but due to lack of time, I have still not been able to write the full description.
Thanks for the appreciation, with best wishes.

My wise friend, I understand very well that time is often an obstacle to writing perfectly. However, the effort that has been made to describe the event is very meaningful. May the right time come soon so that you can write it with full accuracy and beauty. Keep trying, and I always support you with the best wishes!

My respected friend,
I am really happy that I have gained another learned friend like you this year. Really your praise will inspire me to write even better in future.
Thank you with respect.

Thank you for your appreciation and respect. May we continue to learn and share together.

Warm regards,