Steemit engagement challenge S11/W4 ||"How is democracy functioning in your country"|

in hive-179660 •  2 years ago  (edited)


I hope you all are well and good.Today I see this topic so I want to write on it because I read the Dawn newspaper daily and this is my hobby and I take so much interest in it that's why I think I'm able to write on it.Now firstly I want to talk about what is democracy: Democracy is the participation of common people in the Government for example poll elections.Common man give vote and decide the new PM or other Government servants and we can also say that any common man prepares for CSS and PMS and becomes a civil servant that serves in many ways.These all democracy now I look out your questions.

How is democracy functioning in your country?

I live in Pakistan and this is a democrate country.In which common man or woman give vote and decide new PM and other Gvmt servents.In which different kinds of political parties occur in which decide which lead country and which is opposition country.If some big leader crime then they also punished as common man.And everyone has freedom to work hard and prepare for any government Job as civil servant and others.And the big thing about our country is minority has also rights about participation.But before a day which incident present I feel shamed about it.


Is your country free from any domination ruled?

I think our country faced domination ruled sometimes because when I remember May 9 in Pakistan.Its called a black day because at this day the leader of PTI Imran Khan was arrested from court. And those day people comes from houses and start protest.And at that time PML-N lead Pakistan without any elections.

Is your country self-sufficient in food production?


No our country is not sufficient for food production because so many things which Pakistan export or import and this is also effect on economy. But many production of food is available in Pakistan.

How is youth employment in your country?

Before some years the economy of Pakistan is goes to down and this is also effect on employment of Pakistan.Because so many young youth not gain jobs and that's why the ratio of migration toward European countries is greater of young people.They go to Europe for better future and very few people work hard and try to attain jobs and in last they achieve some educated people not gain jobs and they start small businesses, shops ,industries and companies.


What do you want your country to be like?

I pray for my country-Pakistan-daily.I want to see it successful and this becomes only when its economy increases and we all Pakistani need to work for it to make a better day by day and when I study history of Pakistan and read sacrifices for partition of Pakistan then we read that thousands people martyr but when we feel the death of every person and we feel sacrifices of each woman man childs then we realize the precious of Pakistan.


Thanks for reading my post and I hope you like it.

I have invited some of my friends for this engagement challenge.

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Nice post bro.I wish you success.Huge love and respect for you.


Most welcome dear bro👍

Hello friend greetings to you.

9th may is the black day in the history of Pakistan and InshAllah Pakistani will never forget these mafia. Army is responsible for all the things happening in our country. They destroy our Homeland. They are busy in making DHAs. Then they buy islands in Australia with those money. I am really fed up with our Army, sorry to say that brother.

Your post is too much real. Best wishes for the contest.

No I'm not talk about army in my post .I talk about what is democracy only.I respect army they protect our country always.

These are my words. I said sorry if it's something irritating to you, but it's the reality.
