Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W1- "What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill your dream?"

in hive-179660 •  last year 

Hey Steemian friends!

Dreams are what make life worth living but dream will be always remain as a dream unless we wake up and work towards it. Like many of you, I too had many dreams in my life and I’m happy I achieved most of them. I had dreams to travel abroad, graduate, own a car, have a beautiful wife 😁 things like this that everyman desire I guess! However, as we age, our dreams evolve and some will hit by harsh realities of life. So let’s discuss what are such obstacle in my journey so far.

👉 Write about a dream of yours that came true/or want to achieve.

Let’s discuss something I want to achieve because then you too can pop some ideas into my dream. I want to build 10 acres of farm and a sustainable house by the age of 45, I have roughly 10 years towards my dream. This is a dream that I got with the love that I have towards nature and my desire to live a life with a minimal impact on our environment. I have a full plan to go sustainable for my family and myself in the future. This has done by a few people in India and other part of the world and I really admire their effort.

👉 What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill that dream? How you overcame those obstacles?.
  1. Financial Challenges: I don't come from a background where I've inherited land or wealth, so purchasing 10 acres of land, especially in urban areas, is far from reality. To overcome this financial obstacle, I'll have to consider moving to a rural or less urban location where land prices are more reasonable. The financial aspect of this entire project is a significant challenge.

  2. Emotional Attachments: Leaving behind everything I've built in the city will be emotionally challenging. While I have a clear plan for the farm and the house, I haven't quite decided what to do with my current commitments in the city. The emotional attachment to my current life can create a hurdle on my journey towards my dream.

👉 Who encourages you to fulfill your dreams?

Actually, nobody right now 😀 not even the person closest to me, my wife. She has several valid questions and concerns, and her growing business adds to her attachment to our current lifestyle. I respect her perspective and don't want to force my dream upon her. My hope is that, with time and as the project progresses, she may be more inclined to see my idea. However, lack of support may seem disheartening, I don't expect or require anyone to support or validate my dream. I understand that my journey towards this dream is personal and requires unwavering determination only from me.

A farm house is my dream now!

👉 What are the top 3 obstacles to not fulfilling one's dreams?

As I told in the beginning, none of the dreams ever will come true unless we wake up and give a realistic shot towards achieving them. So the first thing is to “Go get it” attitude 24 hours. We need to be persistent and determined to do it. Without such drive to chase our dreams, they will always remain just that dreams.

Then nothing will work if we don’t have a well-thought-out plan. I like to keep my plans simple and achieve them as a proportionate small goal with a time plan. If I hit lucky and worked everything as planed I will probably achieve everything by time if not I know that I have to change my plan and make adjustments. Likewise, to keep us on the right track we have to get things done by day by day and week by week and move on. So the second one is to have a plan with smaller, manageable goals with a time frame.

Third one will be Consistent Progress. Dreams can often feel overwhelming, but taking consistent steps, daily and weekly, can make them feel more attainable. It's crucial to maintain the momentum and discipline to progress consistently. Without this consistency, even the best plans can just fail in no time.

Thank you for this interesting contest @hindwhale. Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @tenguhatanga, @crisvera & @morgan76 to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

All the images have been developed by Midjourney / Dall E and photoshoped by me.

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