SEC-S16/W2 - Childhood trauma & incidents- Do they affect a child's life?

in hive-179660 •  7 months ago  (edited)

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Trauma is life sentence...

4 year old Gobe has no fun
Without its Childhood a Child has No Life

Anyone who reads the words above, the slogan on one of the 'Terre des Homes' posters out of a series from almost 30 years ago, knows enough. Trauma is written all over (in Dutch we say written on the forehead).
If it comes to the slogan I like to state that without a childhood, not only a child but also an adult has no life.

There's no need to discuss what trauma is because we all know it is a major experience infecting one's personal life and the only solution is to find a way to live with it.

For one child a trauma is a bicycle accident, for another, it is a near drowning, while the next child is sexually abused for years by their step father or football coach and another survives a concentration camp. Interestingly enough, the average adult does not speak out when it comes to traumas which almost everyone experiences. Instead, bullying at school, lack of food, bad hygiene or being hit by a father is mentioned. These examples can certainly cause trauma, but more often it doesn't.

What is drastic enough not to process, even so much that it affects 'normal' functioning and behaviour and has far-reaching consequences for one's well-being, is referred to as trauma.

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The poster above I saw at a bus stop nearly 29 years ago. It stroke me and I thought: this is me. I made phone calls and travelled over 2.5 hours to get one for free. For years it was in my home and reminded me of how my life once had been. For sure Gobe was not the only child without a childhood, there are many more even next door but no one cares about them. No one cared about me.
That hurt child still lives inside of me but it today it has a voice and is cherished but seeing this picture makes me cry again.

NOTE: The drawing is made by Dick Bruna the children's bookwriter.

Is trauma recognised?
I doubt it. The average person, including parents, teachers and doctors, is too busy with himself and prefers to pretend that everything is fine. It's easier this way and 'no one' will be hurt.
Pretending that nothing bad happened is not only what adults do but children too. This works well for some, while others go from one care provider to another who, unfortunately, rarely offers a solution.

Sometimes talking helps and sometimes it does not. Time is needed to 'get over' a trauma. Some need 10 years others might need 100 years or three life times. It depends on the person, the child x adult, what provides solace.

I don't believe real trauma can be forgotten.
By forgotten I mean erased from memory, the DNA. The mind remembers everything no matter how deeply buried it is and the body, just like the mind, responds to this. This can be conscious, but it is often unconscious.
Accepting what happened is important, seeing this as a life experience and part of yourself is quite a job but necessary. This process will not be resolved within a few weeks but might take a lifetime.

The world is full of aggression, and violence and in societies where it was rare, it is increasing drastically. The problem of trauma in children will never be solved, nor will it be the case with women, soldiers, war victims and victims of crime.

I'm not worried about what childhood trauma will do to children, but what it will do to all those children who have grown up, adults who experienced trauma and can't control/help themselves and harm others which can be each one of us. If I think about it there isn't one generation raised without or infected by war.

Header: Canva
Picture: Dick Bruna/Terre des Hommes
I am a mobile phone user only


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I understand you. I grow up with a seriously physically disables mother and my father suffered from diabetes2. When my schoolmates participated and acted to school theater at the end of each primary year, I was constantly shipped from a house to another because my father or my mother was regularly admitted at hospital. This was more or less life until my late teens.

And because you moved from one place to the next, we call these children 'suitcase children' it infected you too and in a way it still does. Away from home because parents are in hospital, not kniwing what, how or if it will end isn't easy to deal with.

A friend said he feared his entire childhood he would come home after scho finding his mother passed away.

My son in law sti has nightmarss (40+) because his mother chocked in her sleep and died, his father died during the vacation and lately his brother died in a terrible way (accident at work they drove over his head).

There are as many people as reasons for trauma, as a child we might see a different truth so it's important to keep the possibility for a talk open to give it room and accept it as a part of yourself, that part that makes you stronger before anxiety takes over.

All the best to you. 🍀❤️

Mary Bennet said (Pride and prejudice, 1995 series, my favorite as the nearest to the original) during the first episode that difficulties come to prove our fortitude and sometimes are blessings in disguise. No need to say Pride and prejudice is my favorite literature, sometimes inspiring my e-books❤️

They will be blessings if we can turn the difficulties into something positive, use it as the source/our muze to create beautiful things.

What type of books do you write?


Police novels and neorealism (this latter inspired in the Marcovaldo, by Italo Calvino). My e-book n.6 is being published here in steemit, chapter by chapter, based in the Italygame contests. Time ago, I also wrote a story for little children (a cat family story❤️).

Nice! What is the Italygame?

There's a community 'web novels' did you notice?

As a child I had books about a cat family. The cat's name was Peppie and his mom was a great cook. I believe I still have these books.

Is your cat family story on Steemit?

Not yet, because in this moment I'm publishing a police novel (Il bibliotecario francese, my first police novel that finds in other 3 platforms, but I'm publishing here too, so my friends and colleagues here can read it) and the story for the Italian contest _STORIE DAL TRENTESIMO SECOLO_, a neorealism based story, but utopic too. Whose main theme is psychiatry and psychoanalysis (my scholar psychology postgrads help too much to build such a theme). The contest where I participate with this latter story finds in this magazine of the Italian community:

This is yet the n. 33. The first 30 editions carried on a contest to create a story based on the image of the week and I chose to convert each story per week in an entire e-book (my e-book n.8). Now we must create a IA image and in this case I'm following with the backroom of my e-book n.8.
You are free to participate too!

Cool you did that. Dit you ever join NaNoWriMO?
It's writing a novel in November, daily 5000 words. @freewritehouse hosted it for several years with a daily prompt. I joined 2 or three times, even wrote on my phone.

It's a great to do and not too difficult unless you need to think, a storyline but sounds to me if you used a pictureprompt you are an easy writer.

Thank you for the link, it's appreciated. I try to figure out later what exactly is asked. Those digi magazines their covers look awesome.


We all have a bit of the childhood. At this stage, care and support is needed and any negative impression captured at this stage if not dealt could be quite devastating.

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Our childhood is part of who we are today and most children deal with issues, events that can cause a trauma. It's nothing new, not from the 21st century. I frequently wonder how our ancestors dealt with it.

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Our ancestors were disciplinarians and this was extended to children in the neighborhood. Thanks for your feedback @wakeupkitty

You mean those living hundreds of years ago? These anchestors were once children too... Disciplinarians or understanding parents with an eye for the need, abusement of children? Did these children not suffer from trauma, grow up.. Raised children or changed into criminals, rapists, scammers, killers, mob-leaders, cruel kings, and so on?
I am talking about the bigger picture.
The question is if trauma affects children which is not at this very moment but fkr the rest of your life and these traumatized children become traumatized adults!

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That's very true but it can be hard to notice if parents, teachers are busy, not interested and a child doesn't open up.

Let's hope this contest will open some eyes and bring a change.

Children pass through so much in life and society and should be looked after due to these pressures in the family, environment, peers which may distort their growth is not attended to. Family should giv times to proper raising and listening to children. Success

Family should indeed but if you ask me the average family is too busy to engage.