Those who cannot comprehend / accept / assimilate / ignore the basic and universal principles of law; For years we have witnessed the actions / discourses and negative attitudes of people who are politicians, soldiers, bureaucrats and civil citizens. I can't say we got used to it, we don't have to get used to it and accept it. However, the existence of those who ignore these principles for the sake of ideological and material-oriented expectations, despite having a legal identity still hurt me. As a citizen devoted to the philosophy, theory, principles and consciousness of law, I have written these issues many times and will continue to speak as I live.
With an independent and impartial point of view, when I see those who raise words with a despotic argument in front of academics who teach law lectures blazing, I get anxious to see what kind of environment we live in. Of course, I am aware of the difficulty of presenting the positive and modern legal scholar to individuals who are incapable of understanding even the Laws of Hammurabi. We have a rhyme-style saying, "My son reads a building, turns and turns and reads again". We still haven't gotten out of the atmosphere of this vicious circle.
If we want the developed world countries to really envy us and take us as an example, we must be able to take steps with self-confident courage in the field of law and human rights and freedoms. We discuss religious issues with the language of politics. We offer religion-based solutions to political problems.
We are looking for nationality-based solutions to sociological problems. And we infect all of them in our scientific method. With this intention, way, method and action, we continue to cook food in an empty cauldron and carry water to the fire through a sieve.
I will continue to repeat the basic principles and individual gains of law, which have been repeated for years and still persistently murdered, when my tongue returns. Such basic principles; Whether they are lawyers or not, individuals with a humanitarian stance and ideals should hang them on the wall, memorize them, read them once in a while and add them to their whole selves. The pot boils from the bottom. We are the ones who will keep the society alive, increase the level of welfare and happiness, and provide unity and solidarity.
I cannot have any discourse, action or suggestion that does not comply with my criteria of science, morality, justice, logic, ethical aesthetics, grace, fairness and legitimacy. I do not have to accept what is imposed.