"Contest - My Favorite Novel Book | Animal Farm by George Orwell"

in hive-180106 •  last year 


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Greetings! How are you all? Let me start my post properly by emphasizing the importance of Reading then I will discuss my favourite novel. I always believe that the more you read, the more you write. Reading is always a good habit from decades. If we go in past , then people were habitual of reading that's why and how they start writing what they read. That's why our literature is full of writings. When we are good reader it's mean we are good writer as well. Because there are 4 skills of learning.
✔️ Reading
✔️ Writing
✔️ Speaking

Reading is always a good habit but unfortunately it's rare. We always say that books are our best companion. But unfortunately we waste our time on baseless things and arguments. Don't waste your time because time flies quicky. Be a good reader then you will be automatically a good writer. Make sure to read 10 pages on daily bases then do practice of writing. Let me start this post.


These pictures are taken by me while reading books.

As you all know that I'm a student of English Literature. I have read countless novels in my course like Pride and Prejudice, Things Fall Apart, The Crucible , The Old man and the Sea, Joseph Andrews, 1984 , The Animal Farm etc. There are countless English novels that covers the wide range of different genres and styles. There are so many Thought-provoking novalist in English literature.


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Name & Intro of your Favorite Novel.

Let me introduce my all time favorite novel , yes Animal Farm is my favorite novel. Animal Farm is written by George Orwell. This novel is written in 1945. The novel is a powerful political allegory. The novel tells the story of the animals who start revolution / rebellion against humans. Mr. Jones is the owner of the farm. He is a human. But animals don't like humans. So animal starts rebellion against human farmer and his owner , Mr.jones. Animals start rebellion to creat a society where animals can live freely and treated equally.

Name of the farm is changed from Manor Farm to Animal Farm. Animal introduced their 7 commandments after rebellion and revolution.

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

That is known as Animalism. They elect a pig , Napoleon as a leader. Initially, the revolution was Successfull and all animals were enjoying freedom. As time passes , Napaolen has increasing his power and become corrupt and authoritarian . He used violence and propaganda to maintain his power and changed all the seven commandments. Pigs start walking on two legs. Pigs start wearing clothes. Pigs start drinking Alcohol. But the most violating rule us that ....

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."



This novel is a commentery on the corruption of Soviet Union under Stalin. George Orwell represents these corrupted characters that were key figures un the Soviet Bistro through animals characters. That's why this is the masterpiece of George orwell. And this novel is always known an Powerful Allegory.

NapoleonJoseph Stalin
SnowballLeon Trotsky
Old MajorKarl Marx
Introduction of the Author

George Orwell is the writer of this novel. He was born on June 25 , 1903 and died on January 21 , 1950. He was an English Novalist, essayist and critic. He is consider one of the most influential Novalist of 20th centuary.

He was a socialist, activist and advocating for the rights of working class. He criticizes the totalitarianism regimes. He was also member of the Independent Labour Party.

How much you like this novel how many times you reading this?.

I like this novel my whole heart. I have read this novel for so many times. When I was in my B.A Literature then first time I read this novel. After that in My masters I have read this novel again and again and believe you me still I'm enthusiastic to read this novel. Because this novel is still relevant to our so called democracy and dictatorship. Being a Student of Political science , we must consult this novel . How beautifully George Orwell wrote this novel !!! All credit goes to George Orwell.

That's why he is the most influential writer ever. This novel was written to represent the true pictures of Soviet Union leaders and Russian Revolution but it covers our today politics and leaders as well. That's why it's all time my favorite.

What is the main reason about your loveness for this novel?

There are so many reasons :

  • George Orwell has used political Allegory to criticise the Soviet Union under Stalin.

  • Themes of this novel power , propaganda , danger of Authority , injustice , might is right , corruption all these ultimately leads to the re-establishment of a dictatorship . All these are still relevant today.

  • A very unique and comprehend style he has used. He conveyed complex ideas in a simple way.

Thank you @faran-nabeel for organizing this contest. Now I would like to invite @m-fdo , @patjewell , @vivigibelis, @katherine012 , @mile16 and @irawandedy to take part in this contest.

Thank you very much also for supporting me at every opportunity

With Best Regards
Aalia Rubab

In a world where chaos can sometimes feel overwhelming, I find solace in knowing that I can always come back to this space and connect with like-minded souls. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Have A Nice Day


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Thank you very much 🥰

Animal Farm... a book that caused a huge uproar in my country and failed terribly. It was named a communist book which was not right as the first countries to ban it were the communist countries like Russia.
I think the main reason that people were against the book was that they were scared that it will encourage people to be rebellious as not all animals are equal. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Good luck with the contest and thanks for the invite!

Reading, writing, listening, we have to synergize in our lives, while the journey of life must go on by itself, we only have to offer it.
And thank you@aaliarubab success for friends