Assalam O Alaikum !
I am @aliraza1234 from Pakistan.
Morning :
I get up early in the morning. Then I offer fajar prayer and after that I went for morning walk in the park.
When I came back to my home. I take a bath for fresh and good looking. After taking bath I said to my mother for delicious breakfast. My lovely mother bring a breakfast for me. I eat carrot pudding. After breakfast I pay a thank you to my mother for special and delicious breakfast. Obviously its taste is so good because it is made by my mother's hand.
Getting Ready For Work :
Then , I dress my self up for my duty. I am a Assistant pharmacist and I am doing job as a shift in charge on pharmacy. When I am on duty I deal different types of customers with different disease problems. The conversation among us very complex and carefully. I have a great experience how to deal customers. I also have a wide knowledge about all the types of medicines.
I offer guidance to the customers on different types of medicines. My duty timing 7 am to 5 pm. I go for namaz e zohar and lunch at 1 pm. I spend 10 hour duty on pharmacy.
Evening :
After complete my duty from pharmacy. I visited my father shop , where I help to my father in the work. Then , I went to my friend's home We spent a good time with each other. He is my childhood friend. We studied together. That's why we have a strong bond with each other.We enjoy the time with a cups of tea and biscuits.
Night :
Then after spend time with my friend , I came back to my home. I change my pharmacy uniform and wear a home dress. I am so tired from whole day working. I take a rest for some hours. I have a great meal with my family. I eat mixed vegetable with roti.
I eat dinner and then brushed my teeth. Then I went to my room go to bed for sleep.