Don't be scared, you'll be taken care of.

in hive-180106 •  23 days ago 

َۡ لَا تَخَفۡ
Don't be scared

I was reading my favorite book the other day. This book is magical, you can't resist it after reading it. It makes you come back to it again and again.

I was reading a world famous story.



This book is so relatable, you can see your life while reading it as if it's your story.

It is full of tales of ancient people who lived thousands of years ago on the earth.

Each tale has an evil and a good element, evil prevails first followed by superiority of the truth in the end.

Above all, the book has kind and warm words for those people whose hearts are broken and who are going through misery and suffering in life.

It can heal any broken heart, the condition is to read it Now.

Now let's begin the story that fascinated me a lot. This story is repeated again and again, there must be something the author wants us to absorb.

Well, it's the story of a boy who was born in Egypt under the monarchy of a tyrant king, the cruelest king in the world.

The king had made a nation his slave.

The king was killing all the boys born in the slaved nation in the alternative year. Because he was told that a boy would be born in that nation and end his oppression.

The king left their women alive thinking of them as weaklings and unable to stand up and do anything.

The boy was born in the year when childs were supposed to be killed.

His mother concealed him. But an ultimate authority of the cosmos told him to put his son in the Nile River in a box.

Her mother was scared, and the authority said don't be scared nor be sad, we'll return him to you.

She did it.

The boy reached the palace of the tyrant king, whose wife took the boy and made him his son after seeing a beautiful child. They didn't have children.

Moses refused to drink milk from any women.

The sister of the boy who followed his brother's journey through the Nile towards the king's palace spoke. She said should I tell you someone who can wean him?

She told them his mother's name.

The boy's mother was fetched to wean him.

His mother's heart, which was grieving for his son, was put at ease after reuniting with his son.

It was the courage and wisdom of two women who saved the boy.

In this way, her fear vanished and his son was raised as a prince in the tyrant king's palace.

Years later, when he became a man, he punched a man who was oppressing another man of a slaved nation, but the man died.

His intention wasn't to kill him, he only wanted to stop him.

When the news went to the king they ordered to kill him.

Mosa became scared he ran away to Madyan.

Where he stayed in an old man's house after telling him his story.

The old man said: Don't be scared, you have been spared from a cruel nation

Fast forward to several years,
The man was chosen.

A voice came to inform him that go to that tyrant king and ask him to leave the slaved nation and ask him to stop behaving like a God.

The man who was Kaleem again became scared and told the voice that: I'm afraid that he(king) may oppress me greatly, he may refuse to believe me.

I had mistakenly killed his man. How can I preach to him now?

On which the voice said again:
Don't be scared, I'm all listening and hearing.

Can you relate to Kaleem, we are all scared to speak up for ourselves or others when someone wrongs us. It can be our family, friends, or teachers of high status. We feel weak in front of them due to them being rich or having power. We become scared and don't do anything to stop the abuse

Anyhow, he went to the king and delivered his message. It's not easy to stand in front of the man who is the most tyrant kind of the time.

Kaleem had the courage yet he was scared in his heart.

What the king would do to me? Would he insult me, humiliate me, torture me, or kill me?

They all refused to believe him and invited him to the magic show to see what miracles have that great voice given him.

The magicians did the spells using their wands

Kaleem again became scared in his heart and feared that he might not win because he was also going to use his staff for magic. He feared that people would think it was the same magic.

Just as we all doubt our talents when we see other's work. We think we won't make it in life. Others are better than us and we will fail if we compete with them, they may call us cheaters. We become scared about them

On this, that voice came again:
“Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are(will) superior."

Kaleem's wand turned into a dragon unlike other magician's wands, which just turned into snakes.

After seeing this, people believed that he wasn't a magician, it truly was a miracle.

When the king refused to leave the slaved nation, Kaleem took his nation and left. He reached the ocean when he saw the king's army behind him ready to kill and punish them.

Now it was Kaleem's nation who became scared of being overtaken by tyrants.

But this time, Kaleem wasn't scared anymore.

He had grown strong in his belief in the voice(Almighty). He was sure that the voice would not leave them in this difficult time.

He said:

I have a voice, he will guide me.

And there came the voice asking him to put his wand in the ocean.

He did, the ocean split into two halves, and its water waves were higher than any mountain.

Kaleem who was Musa, and his people were spared while the tyrant king and his nation were drowned.

I'm sure you must have read the story before, but I appreciate it if you read it this far.

It's the story of fear

Fear of a mother to lose his son
Fear of a man after killing another man
Fear of the unknown after seeing a miracle
Fear of standing in front of a tyrant
Fear of not standing out of all the magicians

Then, all the fears vanished.

Finally, Mosa was not scared anymore.

He blindly believed that he would be taken care of and he was eventually.

Don't we all have the same fears?

We are scared about:
the future, jobs, children, marriages, losing our beloved people and standing up for ourselves and others.

We think no one is seeing our sufferings and no one is hearing our duas.

This story tells us that there is someone very close to our hearts knowing all.

He will take away all of our fears if we choose to believe him and take good actions to get out of the miserable state as Mosa, his mother, and his sister did.

“Fear not. Indeed, it is you who are superior.
قُلۡنَا لَا تَخَفۡ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ ٱلۡأَعۡلَىٰ

Inviting @mehwish-almas @yaladeeds @samina-meenu

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Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

You're welcome suboohi and thanks for choosing me your top winner:)


Everything was arranged very finely for Moses. Each part of this whole scenario is a separate story with a different effect. The role of Moses' mother and Pharaoh's wife is very interesting, especially the courage shown by Asia. It takes a lot of courage to do all this.

Indeed, writing about their courage is far easier than to practice it.
May we all go through ease in our journeys.


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Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high-quality content for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote later this week in our top selection.

Thank you @steemdoctor1, i will surely stay committed I.A.

This sounds great! And since you are in the monster mood you might like joining my contest too. The funnier the better.

Oh it looks cool....
Let's see what this monster brings....

Another one like a chain reaction? 🤣🤣🤣

You know what they say: the less join the better the pay!

I could use that for their comment section contest it's memes. I'm not great with memes

Hahaha that was definitely out of the box.

I have seen it just now.