Diary game/better life/challenging day

in hive-180106 •  2 years ago 


Assalamualaikum friends hope so you are well and spending healthy and peaceful life. I am Anela Fatima and I am going to share my yesterday routine that is to tough for me but I learn how to manage multiple thing within short time.

Yesterday was a challenging day for me. I woke up at 5 am and started my day with offering prayers. I felt too tired to have breakfast, so I made a cup of tea and got ready for the university.


The journey to the university was long and tiring. I had to travel for an hour in a crowded bus, and I had to stand throughout the journey. It was tough, but I managed to do it.


When I finally reached my university, I found out that the first class was canceled. I was disappointed, but I decided to make the most of my time by chatting with my friend and catching up on family news🙃. Unfortunately, I received a message informing me that there were no classes that day. This was a letdown, but I tried to stay positive and decided to head back home.

When I reached home, I realized that I had to prepare food for some guests. It added to my workload, but I still managed to invite my aunt and spend some quality time with her. Later in the evening, my aunt had guests over, and I helped her out despite feeling tired. It wasn't easy, but I did it.


By the end of the day, I was exhausted. However, I was proud😎of myself for handling all the challenges that came my way with a positive attitude. I realized that sometimes life can be tough, but we need to keep going and do our best.

This experience taught me the importance of being resilient and adaptable. We never know what life has in store for us, and we need to be prepared to face any challenge that comes our way. Even though it was a tough day, I managed to get through it and learned some valuable lessons along the way.


Overall, I am grateful for this experience as it helped me grow and become a stronger person. I know that life will throw many challenges my way, but I am confident that I can handle them with grace and positivity.

then I remembered that it was Shabe Juma (Friday night) and decided to perform some religious rituals before sleeping. this is an important occasions in my religion. By remembering Shabe Juma, I demonstrated my commitment to practicing and observing my faith.

I performed wazu (ablution), recited some surahs from the Quran, and offered prayers.


Friday night prayers is an important aspect of Islamic worship and serves as a time for reflection and seeking forgiveness. By taking the time to observe this occasion, I demonstrated my desire to connect with Allah and seek His forgiveness. It shows that I am not just going through the motions of prayer, but rather that I am truly engaging with my faith and seeking to deepen my relationship with Allah.

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