Accelerator contest week 4 transparency of marriage | club 5050 | 03-06-2023

in hive-180106 •  last year 



How are you hope so you will be fine and spend a healthy life with your loves once and I am also fine and healthy in my life with my children we should always help the poor and needy people because they deserve our help

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Today I am share the topic which is related to our practical life and based our trust, trust is major thing of our practical life it depands bith parties

we explain the transperancy in our marriges in better way

when we get married we understand that this relationship based on trust loyalty sincerity and full of honesty all of these thing in any relationship they live a very strong life when the time pass one party become a dominant in the couple they lived full and calm life but if one partner decive from other partner and he hide the secret from partner anf starting the decive this relationship the loyalty and honesty will finish from these couple and after that after long time when decive are opened and the secret reveals then distruction and failure become this relationship and the partner seprate and spend their own life in single way


Reslove all the confusion so think about it

And now we reverse of this situation then we came to know that if we share everything from our partner and dont keep secret which secret by the cause of our relation ship are came in to being and we remember all the basic thing for spend the matromonial life that we can not suffer from this thing

responsibility of_both person(65

In this point we if we say that it the responsibility of a single partner rather then a man or woman then we are totaly wrong because relationship baesd on two people It is not the work of a single partner
If we think about that when we get married with other partner with full of emotion and excitement and become a good person with full of transperancy then all the life spend in this realtion ship


if we think that other person do the same mistake we abuse the second party and and do the mis behave from her or him we tourcher of that person When you think that this thing can be your return to what you did I don't think so that relation can be like this

I also describe my experience with the lack of transperancy

2 years ago that my husband can be changed in their behavioral language he was always busy in his mobile phone they had chit chat with his friend like this he show me but he had chit chat with some one because you know six sense of any wife is so sharp when husband distract from his relation ship and he has a affair with some one after some time he married with this girl and hide from other place when I come to know I am so so surprised because my senses are completely damp and I dont know how I react from this news I am so ceying I want to die at this time because I love him so much I accept him full of honesty and loyalty and he can do to much me
I have two beautifull child they are my life line and I spend my whole life with the children future it is to much tough thing when we face these situation plz pray for me and pray for my patience that ALLAH ALMIGHTY increase very much because ALLAH bless many thing and stamina and patience is the major thing to spend the life with unwanted person


So that was my post you really like and little bit think about your relationship how is it strong or not and take a new chance that you will start bee life partner with new emotion and excitement and never lose your life partner

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@anjinoor - please check out . I guess you have publish this post in Nigerian Community.

Cc ; @sahmie