Why We Shouldn’t Fear Change : A monologue

in hive-180106 •  11 days ago 

Change—it’s something we all face, yet so many of us fear. There’s something about the unknown that makes our hearts race, our minds second-guess, and our feet reluctant to take that next step. But what if, instead of fearing change, we embraced it?

As the philosopher Heraclitus said, "Change is the only thing constant in life." All we do is experience it on our journey, and whatever we do, life will just keep shifting around us.

But instead of being resistive, perhaps we should learn to see it for what it is: the only door to new opportunities, growth, and discovery.


Often, I find myself asking why people fear change. Because it disrupts the comfort zone, that's the easy answer to it. We love predictability, routines, and familiarity. It makes us in control. And yet, too much of standing in one place only serves to make us stagnant and complacent.

That's why change, in a nutshell, forces us to grow. It blasts us out of our bubbles and makes us adapt, learn, and evolve.

Consider all the times in life when you were transitioning—starting a new job, starting a new life somewhere, and meeting new people. Initially, surely it was intimidating, but with time, change eventually forms some of the most important experiences we have in our lives.

We find out new things that describe us; we create new skills; we develop new connections.

What about the scary unknown? Growth comes when you take risks and step out of your comfort zones. Growth comes when you let go of what no longer serves you.

Change can be very uncomfortable at first, but that is how one discovers their true potential. A wise quote by Gail Sheehy: "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living," isn't it?.

Often, we are locked into a mindset about what might happen if we embrace change. What about things getting better than we even imagined? Maybe by holding onto our fears, we are missing out on something glorious.

Change can symbolize the beginning of something new: a new chapter, a new adventure, a new version of ourselves.

And, actually, by thinking about the biggest changes in my life, I remember moments where I used to think it was something that brought me loss or even fear, while in reality, those moments were transformation-they were to become who I am today.

Every change, however difficult at first, brought something bigger: a new perspective, greater understanding, or even a new sense of purpose.

Of course, that fear is pretty natural. Change breeds uncertainty, and we don't know what's there on the other side. Then again, what if it was precisely that? An opportunity to grow, learn, and rethink ourselves. After all, life is not something static, but dynamic.

So, to embracing change. To perceive it as something we can welcome, not something we'll be afraid of.

But believing that, regardless of what is ahead, we will still have the resources and the capacity to cope with it. For at the end of the day, what is there to fear? Change is but a door to a life with more substance and content.


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