Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game/ Kids Continuous Assessment Day

in hive-180106 •  3 months ago 

DIARY GAME OF 27/06/2024

A Thursday well spent. My day was hectic but successful. Today was the day we finish our continuous assessment test for the third academic term 2023/2024 session at my work place (school). Thanks to the organiser @hive-180106 for organizing this contest.

It's you girl @beevicsam I woke up today as early as 4am because I needed to wash few clothes and prepare meal for myself and my husband before leaving for work.

My mother always said, no matter what you are doing, as a wife you must cook good meals for your husband because the way to man's heart is through his stomach.

This made her give me a special plate on my wedding day to use and serve my husband. So I do my best to make sure I serve my husband's food before going anywhere. I had just tea for breakfast before leaving for work.

My Morning Hours In School

We had our staff devotion. We believe that a successful organization has to pray and bless the day's job.

After that, we had our general assembly for the children. We went back to our different classes and conducted the test exercises.

My Mid Day

After I finished marking the pupils test scripts, it took me time to record their scores in my records book.

I realized that three boys did excellently well in the class which I supervised so I called them out to applaud them and encouraged the rest of the class to study harder and do better than the three wise boys(so I called the three boys).

During the day, a student teacher that was assigned to join me teach English Language asked me to sign her log book as tomorrow (Friday) is her last day of her teaching practice. I took a selfie with her for memory sake.

Teaching practice is a program organised by the university of Uyo, Nigeria, they sent undergraduate students to primary and secondary schools to practice the profession of teaching. This program lasts for six weeks and at the end of the sixth week they go back to their studies in the university.

Lunch Break In School

I had spaghetti and fried ripe plantain for lunch.

After eating I took a walk downstairs since I had been sitting since morning. I saw this little girl in the reception class struggling to write,

😯 I pitied the girl. I had to advice the teacher to take the girl to position that she can be comfortable while she continue her struggle.

I went back to my class and continued my work. I went home after school.

Visiting My Friend

I had told my friend @blessedbee that I'd come see her today. I was so tired, I wished I could just rest in my house but I had to keep to my words. So I visited her.

It had been long we met so we talked a lot and after spending quality time with her I went back home. My husband was already home by the time I got home. I had custard and akara for dinner. After posting this I'll get some sleep because I have to go to work tomorrow morning.


My day was tiring but I achieved my aim for day. In school I was able to finish marking scripts and recording scores for the class I supervised the test. I was taught to always keep to my words which I did by going to visit my friend even though I was so tired.

Thank you for stopping by to read to my post.

I invite my friends
@joymm and
@entity01 to join this contest.

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Hello beevicsam, your dedication to your work and relationships is admirable! You've shown us that with hard work and commitment, we can achieve our goals and nurture our relationships. Thank you for sharing your inspiring day with us.💕

Thank you very much for your commendation. I really appreciate.
