in hive-180106 •  10 months ago  (edited)
Greetings to all friends

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Hi Everybody

Assalamu alaikum I hope that you guys all are fine . I will share with you about my day how I spent it . I woke at 9 o'clock. I know it's bit late . But I enjoyed the sleep really well. After making my bed I freshen up than I make my self breakfast . For the breakfast I have paratha which I don't really like but what could you expect when you living in hostel . Then Tu complete my breakfast I make tea for myself which turned out really strong you really good . I think at this point the only thing that I know about my self is that I m obsessed with tea.
After completing breakfast then press my uniform to go to university to attend classes. So while doing I charge my self phone and having little bit talk with my roommate. Then quickly change and get ready to go university.
When I was going Tu university I really the house that is Infront my hostel I took picture of it .

On way of going To university I met my really good friend which I met through my another really good friend. She was coming towards my hostel to stay in for some time so I gave my room keys to her . You know best thing about is that she can ride a bike so it is very fun so she offered me to drop me to the university because I was getting late
I completely agreed I went with her I enjoyed the really well we talk about certain things and in about 5 to 6 minutes I reached to my university.


After entering my uniform I saw a very nice view because the weather was very good it was windy and cloudy so it makes it really . I saw flower and clouds which make my mood good . I was more exited to go to my class room .

On way I saw many people enjoying the weather it was really nice because a good weather immediately makes you feel really good you get more energy I guess enlighten our mood towards the things that was coming our way the day.

Then I went to my class because i have my accounts class . Which I don't really like to attend because I don't like myself doing accounting so but can we do m so I sat and waited for my teacher to come and surprisingly my classmates were also in very good so everyone was so energetic and talking with each other . So the teacher came to give lectures to us .
The fact is I really like the teacher he is bit old and apparently a bit rude but he is a really nice person . He teaches really good .

The accounting class was really long . We get so tired of it . Because my teacher decided to teach the whole in sllybaus in one class . And it was really boring what we have to study.
After taking the class my friend and I decided to go the university grounds for having walk the weather was really nice it was about to rain and it was very windy.
After that we went to basketball ground I really like basketball. From my childhood I really like this game. But somehow I don't know how to play properly but I try at least to play .
I saw many people playing there .
Having sport as your hobby is really good . Because sports make you active and smart . It plays an important role in making your brain. Also healthy and smart . Because in games you have to use your brain to play so it makes the brain to make effort to think and which makes it active .
I really like to see people who play and enjoy doing that cause it makes me to be like them but Im bit lazy kind of a person but at least I try to do some sport . To make my self healthy and active.

After walking and seeing people doing their own work my friends and I decided to go out of the university to the park .

On the way of going to the park I saw many beautiful flowers . In different colours which makes them really beautiful. I find flowers really beautiful. Because it is such a nice thing that god created for us . Because every time I see flowers I really get attracted towards them . And I really enjoyed my self seeing people liking them and taking them in their hands .
To my thoughts flower represents many thoughts . The first you have to carry them with great responsibility because there are really fragile . I think god created every Beautiful thing in a fragile way . So that we get to know there worth .
The second thought I have is that the way they have fragrance and colour which is beyond beautiful and makes them really attractive.
So every beautiful thing have to makes effort.
The third is that they have that energy to make everyone modd enlighten and makes them to thin in a very positive way . I have those thoughts about flower I hope you guys also agree to me about them.

Okay so going towards the park my friends and I took some swings . Because there some kids that was taking so it makes us to go towards them .

There was this old building which was not in a very condition but it was beautiful in A very vintage way . So we towards the building we saw and there some girls that was taking pictures in that building.
It makes me really sad to see those buildings who have no one to care about them. Because they also deserve the care . But I like that thing people find them attractive in any condition of them .
We also saw a very bride that was her picture by the photographer for her a very big day . It was very beautiful to see.
In this building the park Authority put some lights on it to make it more beautiful. Al least they are making effort to make it nice .
But I hope someday it gets the care that the building deserves.

After visiting the building we go towards the cafeteria of the park . Which was really cute .
So we get some fries and burgers with the cold drink.
We get to eat together . While eating we talk about some random things and discuss with each other so it was a really good time .
I like the things we get some time out for ourselves to discuss our life's situations with each other . So we can get to know what's going on each others life that how friendships work . You have to make sure that your friend is in good state . So it makes friendships beautiful.

After that we went back to the university to go to take class . Then after taking class we went to the Lincoln corner of the university.
In that I saw many people there because it was game period I took some magazine there and guess what I find Taylor swifts magazine there which makes me really happy to see
Growing up I really like her . She Is a great singer . Of course my favourite so it makes me feel really good see her magazine which having her picture there . I sta there and I studied the magazine there so yeah it was very good time .
Then I saw some building up the blocks which is a game I really like that game .

I sat with them I enjoyed seeing them to play.
The my friends decided to play ludo which I really like to play because it is a fun game to play which makes everyone gets excited towards it .

We enjoyed the game . Sadly I lose that game but It was fun to play with the friends. Because it makes bonding between the friends strong. And they get to stay in everybody's company together and it is a beautiful thing to seeing people together having fun and having time of there life .
Then we went towards the department. To take the last class of the day . After taking the class I went back and have a ice cream with my friends at that It was starting raining a little bit. On way back to the gate of the university I met my friend also it makes me feel more good.
On the way going to the hostel I saw a boy having (gajra)which is flower bracelet .
They were really beautiful and fresh I really want to get one but i don't get that and I don't know why I purchase those . So really walking towards my hostel.
It was very weather and everything looking very beautiful .
I reached my hostel and I went straight to my room . To lay down in to bed after some time I make myself again tea . And went to hostel's roof to get some fresh air and then I took my friend in the hostel to for walk in the street.


It was a very good walk . At that point my day got ended . I know it's a little long day . I like the day I have today . I hope you find it fun to read .

**Best Regards** ***@esha khan **
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Mashallah, I read your complete post. It was very interesting. I like it very much and I hope you will enjoy your friends and I love Ludo because it was very interesting game. It will fresh your mind and I will appreciate your work . Always. best wishes.