One Picture And One Story Week #54- Loneliness

in hive-180106 •  8 days ago  (edited)
I was on a flight from Dubai to Delhi. As we took off and into the air for maybe 15 minutes in the air, we heard the announcement from the captain of the plane, "We are having some technical problems, so we are landing at Jeddah airport."

Soon we were going down towards King Abdelaziz International Airport Doha and touched the runway, but the plane suddenly took off again.

As we climbed back into the sky, the captain announced that it was a landing problem, so they would try to land again in a while, but the result was the same second time around. By now everyone was panicking, and there was a kind of silent fear in the cabin. The captain announced that he was going for a crash landing and asked us to take the position.

The flight attendants were telling us to fasten our seat belts, put our life jackets on, and use emergency gates, and oxygen masks if needed. I hold my front seat tightly. The instructions from the captain added to my tension, and no one was talking but busy praying and crying.

Image mine

Finally, the airplane touched the ground and stayed firm. I could feel the brakes of the plane working hard to slow the speeding plane down because it had landed at a faster speed than usual, but finally, we stopped safely and in one piece, although it was not in Delhi but in Doha. I could feel the tension ease and hear the sounds of relief and cheers.

I remember now that during those tense moments, the man sitting beside me was feeling sick and breathing heavily. I asked him if he wanted me to call a flight attendant or needed any help, but he was either too rude or too panicked, so he shouted at me, "Mind your business."

It's embarrassing to have someone shout at me even if I was trying to help him. Meanwhile, the pilot announced that we were going to land soon and we should all calmly exit the plane, and I did.

Now we were at Doha airport and given the food vouchers. Those were the Covid days, and the airport was almost empty. I learned then that my camera was the best companion as I took pictures of that empty airport. I thought if I'd traveled through, I would have reached Delhi by now.

I was feeling bad as there was no flight to Delhi for the next fourteen hours. But my camera and phone helped me to stay calm to pause and see the details around me, although there was nothing much to see. It was a trip that gave me bashfulness, astonishment, and a few tears. I was very lonely, but what could I do?

Setting out on a journey gives us a certain level of experience as we navigate new environments, communicate with different people, and face unexpected challenges. Our self-confidence naturally grows, but if there was a situation like I was sitting there and no one to talk with, yes, there was no one around me for almost fourteen hours.

But that was something when I found myself making decisions with greater confidence and facing uncertainties. I gained the confidence which was beyond my adventures so far in my traveling life, enabling me to tackle challenges and opportunities with a fearless spirit.

There is a joy while traveling but then there is a downside while traveling especially when things don't go as expected, but unfortunately, these are the part of stories you hear about.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge proponent of traveling, after all, I've been traveling for over 40 years. However, before you commence your journey, you need to be aware of the things that might go wrong, as they went wrong in this case. My story didn't end here, but when I heard that the plane I was rescheduled to travel to Delhi had been delayed by 3 hours because the connecting flight from Nigeria was delayed.


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Situasi yang sangat menegangkan, anda yang melakukan perjalanan saya yang berdebar jantung mengingat pesawat akan mendarat darurat, saya tidak bisa membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi.

Saya belum pernah naik pesawat tapi saya tidak tertarik untuk naik pesawat mungkin bisa spot jantung bila mengalami hal yang seperti anda ceritakan.
Saya pernah menahan kentut saat kuliah berlangsung, karena saya bisa malu apalagi kalau sampai berbunyi atau mengeluarkan bau tidak sedap dan anda tahu apa yang terjadi?
Saya pingsan seketika saat itu saat masih terduduk di kursi.

Begitu saya sadar suami juga sudah berada di ruang kuliah saya, dan teman-teman sedang mengoles minyak kayu putih di tangan,kaki dan hidung saya.

Jangan ditanya seperti apa pedihnya hidung saya saat itu, entah berapa banyaknya mereka mengoleskan di hidung saya.

Sampai saat ini saya tidak pernah bercerita kenapa saya sampai pingsan saat itu, saya sangat malu sekali 🤫

I understand your concern about traveling and the other incident you mentioned about how one feels when embarrassed. I was smiling all the time while reading your post.

Ia pak, saya sangat khawatir ketika akan bepergian bahkan membayangkan saja sampai saya mual duluan, namun yang namanya perjalanan mau tidak mau kita akan berangkat kalau memang harus ya kan?

Yang saya tidak habis pikir ketika saya pingsan tersebut pak, kok bisa ya padahal bukan perkara besar tapi efeknya luar biasa.🤭

Maybe you suffered from gastritis that fainted you 😄

Hahahaha....mungkin juga ya, tapi entah lah


For me this is a fun experience, I have a principle that life will feel empty if everything goes according to desire, everything will feel normal. However, with the challenges of life everything changes, we will learn many things that will be important experiences the next day.

I also like traveling and have experienced the worst thing during a crossing by ship. In 2013, it was my first visit to one of the local tourist destinations in Aceh Province.

[Sabang Island] is one of the islands that has impressive tourist attractions, you can enjoy coral reefs through snorkeling and diving, and even surf on towering waves.

This is what motivated me to go there, but the journey using a slow boat turned out to face many challenges, after 5 minutes of sailing suddenly the wind blew hard, the ship I was on swayed, water began to enter the ship.

I panicked because the passengers were advised to wear life jackets, I followed the instructions but did not stay in the chair, but headed up the ship.

At that time, what was in my mind was, if the ship was going to sink, I could jump out, but if I had to stay in the room, I would definitely get trapped and die.

Several officers stopped me, I forced them to let me go there with various reasons, finally my request was granted.

The waves that continued to hit the ship continuously forced the captain to turn off the engine. We just surrendered to the situation. We were adrift for almost 1 hour, but everything had passed and the journey to the dream island came true.

Wow! I have had several such situations in my traveling life where I faced accidents and even rough guys but I trust in God and his mercy he took me out of every such situation every time. I am still alive and kicking means he wants me to stay in this world for some more time.

I am sure you knew that if something went wrong you would survive with the help of a life jacket but it all depended on how far you were from the shore and if the captain of the ship had sent a SOS. Have faith, He is there to save you.

Its True, at least having a life jacket will make it easier for the evacuation team. 2 years before the incident I experienced, a ship had also sunk, all passengers died. The evacuation team could not do much because of the extreme weather.


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Curated by : @josepha

I don't like being alone, especially when travelling, I like to travel with my family. Although sometimes in certain conditions we also need time alone.

In your photo, I feel that in a crowded place we can also feel "lonely".

Good luck in the contest
Thanks for your invitation

That airport was lonely because that was COVID time and the people you see here were airport staff. I spent 19 hours sitting alone and even my quota of internet data was exhausted.

Owh what a terrible day..
And that won't happen if you're travelling with friends or relatives...
Am I right??

I was coming back after attending an official meeting. I don't think they allow friends on such trips 😄

Owh I don't know that case..

Well thanks for sharing a great story. Have a wonderful day..

This form of journey provides us with unforgettable memories that we cannot receive from other means. Good luck with the contest.

Being a traveler you know them well. Thanks for your kind visit.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest


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We are the hope!

Perjalanan yang sangat menegangkan

Wow, what a harrowing experience! ✈️😳 It must have been terrifying to face that kind of uncertainty mid-flight. I admire how you found calm in the chaos with your camera, capturing the empty airport. 🌍✨ Your story is a powerful reminder that travel can bring unexpected challenges, but it also fosters resilience and growth. I hope your next adventures are much smoother! 🌈📸

Travelling is such an amazing thing. I love travelling too but my work hardly gives me opportunity to travel often. I enjoyed reading your travel experience.
Best of luck.

Really? Have you read my travel experiences??? I am lucky to have a great audience but I wish you had posted your comment earlier to encourage me more 👍


saya rasa anda pasti ketakukan dengan peristiwa tersebut, saya saja yang membayangkan terasa dada sangat sesak. keselamatan anda karena belum Allah masih ingin anda selamat.