Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | A beautiful day of my life

in hive-180106 •  2 months ago  (edited)
Greetings to all friends

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Hi Everybody

Assalam Alaikum!

How are you all? I hope everyone is doing well,I am also well and happy in my life. First of all I want to thank @hive-180106 for organising this contest. I like to posts diaries on steemit so this contest is quite interesting for me.

Today I am going to share my daily diary with you. So the first thing in the morning when I woke up offered my prayers, after that I recited the Holy Quran then I started getting ready to go to university. My y mom made me breakfast I ate omelette and paratha for breakfast which was very delicious. I don't like anything except my mom's handmade breakfast I think that's why I always eat breakfast from their hands.

After eating, I left for the university because today my class was at eight o'clock and all my classes were supposed to be happened. So when I went to the class, my friend was already sitting there. After taking the class, my friends and I went around the university and at the canteen an uncle was selling lemonade. So we decided to drink lemonade, I usually buy things from the old people because they are working hard and struggling to earn, in this way we can help them. I would suggest you all to do the same if you find anyone like them.



After drinking lemonade ,we came back to the class because our next class was going to start and in that we had to submit the assignment. So we quickly went to the class and we took our class and submitted our assignment after that our other friends also met us in the department. So we planned to go to the ground, there was an event by the sim company. All of us were there, the scene was very good.

There ere was a set up of games there they were giving free games and came there to promote their company they also had music there it was quite a good atmosphere. Many students had gathered there, some were buying free Sims from them, some were enjoying games, while girls were specially in the makeup setup. They were enjoying free makeup and hair styling.



After that, my friend said that she has some work in her aunt's home. She asked us to go with her. So we decided to go with her because it was really hot in the university. After leaving, we reached her aunt's house within five minutes, because her aunt's house is near the university. We drank cold water there, her aunt was really sweet and lovely lady. We enjoyed her company alot. After that we came back to university.



When we returned university, we called our friends because we were alone. They came after a while. Then we sat on love road because there was refreshing air. We enjoyed sitting there and talking on different topics. I love spending time with my friends. It's a lot of fun. After sometime we went to canteen because we carved for ice cream. We bought I've cream from there. It was yummy. Eating ice cream in summers feels so good and we also enjoyed eating ice cream together.



Now it was getting very hot in the university and my friend's bus timing was also done, so I thought because I should also go home. So I and my friend got up from here and we went out towards my van at the main gate. My van was standing outside, so I reached my home until around three o'clock. I had lunch at home and then I fell asleep because I was very sleepy. That's why I went to my room and sleep immediately



After that I woke up again in the evening, I helped my mother with her housework and made dinner. After that we sat together and had dinner and then I did my studies because my finals are coming up. After reading I fell asleep.

This is all about my day. I hope you will like my diary. Thank you.

Thanks for reading my post

Best regards

Invited friends



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