One Picture One Story Week #40

in hive-180106 •  14 days ago 

It's @growwithme with entry after long time in this contest. Let's see on the photo I shared what type of story I can write. I have started practicing my writing skills once again. The photo is of Riyadh a friend sent me this, I thought to take an entry here, and finally I convinced my self to write on this picture. For the invitation perspective I would like to invite @rashid001, @afshaan, @brown-panther to join this awesome contest.
I am walking to achieve a goal, my caravan is not separated from me. But I want to be alone for some time. Today she threatened to leave me, and told me that he doesn't need me. Missing my bad habits, she was threatening.

While I have tolerated many of her bad habits, and have always covered them up. But she did not learn this thing. Perhaps it was my fault that I never told her about her habit and tolerated her. At least she would have known that I was also compromising.

But well, now I'm alone here for a while, I've got some fresh air on this trip, as well as some sadness. Which is fresh.
I've been here for a while thinking this, but the more I think about it, the more free I feel. There's one place I've never been pushed from, the one place I always go to even after mistakes and it covers me. Still supports me. Don't forget my mistakes.
From today I ask only Him for all my wishes, from today I hope only for Him. My opinion is now strong. This is also his gift. I will now ask him for the well-being of my relationship. I will ask him for the welfare of this world and the hereafter. If my relationship is better for me then it will be fine.

This is the story of a frustrated lover getting fed up with an ever-accommodating and easy-going relationship. Why it happened, not why. Because it can happen anytime. Acceptance is a condition for this.

That's all for today!

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