Contest:- One Picture, One Story week # 15

in hive-180106 •  9 months ago 


Salam from me to all members of the community. I am fit and fine Allhamdullilah by blessings of Allah Almighty and I hope all you are also fine by blessings of Allah Almighty and happy with your families. Today I am here with my new post which is about female education. We know man and woman are like two wheels of vehicle. If one is durable and other is defective, the vehicle cannot reach to its destination. Same in this case if man is educated and woman is uneducated then like vehicle they cannot reach to their destination. This informative contest has been organized by @suboohi in steem for Pakistan community.

One Picture, One Story

Education plays an important role in moulding and building the character of an individual. It provide him better understanding of the person and his environment. But the development of personality does not concern men only. It is also necessary for women.

Female Education

Women compose an equally important portion of human society. The need for female education, therefore, can never be denied.


The Holy Prophet S.A.W has emphasize the point on education.

He said:

"Acquiring of knowledge is essential both for men and women".

In our society certain convections and taboos hinder the progress in this field. A good percentage of our masses who themselves are illiterate believe that education make women free and fashionable. It spoil their morals and makes them society girls rather than domestic women. They have a wrong notion that educated women become rude, disrespectful, spendthrift and hence unmanageable. Besides this, they hold that the motive behind female education is to come parallel to men by getting jobs in various fields. Entering into service, if domestic affairs do not suffer, is not a sin.

In developed countries, women are sharing their responsibilities by taking equal part with men in different fields of life. Moreover, there is no sense in keeping half the population idle. They must play their part to make their country strong.

Importance of Female Education

  • It is duty of every Pakistani man and woman to get rid of the baseless convections and popularized the idea of female education.
  • The masses should be convinced that education broadens the vision of women folk and raises them above the petty difference so common in their sex.
  • Education not only helps women to look after their own selves but also guides them in family affairs.

  • The importance of education for women can never be denied.

  • By educating one men, we educate an individual but education of women has its effect over whole family.
  • She is responsible for rearing up of younger generation.

  • Educated women only can infuse good ideas in the mind of their children and can make them responsible citizens.

In the light of above arguments, it is said that education is quite essential for women. They cannot only play constructive role in the progress of the country , prosperity of nation and welfare of society but also give surety of glory and grandeur of next generations.

So more schools and colleges should be opened for women. They should be taught useful subjects such as nursing, embroidery, hygiene and domestic science.

Regard by


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