Unemployment is an economic term which means absence of occupation. When the people are out of work they are said to be unemployed. Since the number of educated people is annually increases.
We are not able to aford avenues of work for this growing number. So, unemployment is becoming a very ticklish problem.There are many causes of unemployment. First our education system, no doubt, is producing educated young people.
But most of them are nothing except reading books. Such system of education does not suit our needs. A developing country like Pakistan country, need skilled hands. Moreover there are not very large number of factories and industrial centre in Pakistan.
So the few skilled man that we have cannot be observed in factories. Wrong distribution of wealth is also one of the causes of unemployment. All the key industries are in the hands of some uneducated person.
Most of the educated common man have neither the capital nor the opportunities to try their lucky in business. The use of tractors and other machines on farms has made a number of villagers idle. Next, when people multiply, the problem of unemployment rises.
So increasing birth rate also causes unemployment. It is easily understandable that when people are more and jobs are few the result is nothing but unemployment. The problem of unemployment also arises from the fact that the educated people wish to get only certain kinds of jobs.
Those jobs are few. This add all the more to the severity of problem already present in the society.Unemployment is a social evil. It has far reaching consequences unemployment produces angry, frustrated and sorrowful generation everywhere.
A man cannot be patriot when his stomach is empty. To fill his stomach to tries to snatch on gun point. In this way peace and harmony of society is ruined. Dishonesty, corruptions, crimes and many other vices are the fruits of the unemployment.
Politically unemployment breeds discontent among the people. When a large number of the people are in unemployed, no political government can be stable.
Moreover, no effort to increase the national income can be successful unless the problem of unemployment is solved.
Keeping in view the consequences of the evil, it should be reduce to minimum level. First government should set up more school, colleges and Universities where our educated young man and woman may work as a teachers.
Moreover, the concept of education should be changed. Technical and industrial education alone can meet the demand of unemployment. Industry place a positive role in the economy of a country. It gives opportunities to the people to improve their position.
If we want to increase job opportunities, we should set up new industries and expand the old industries. The rate of population growth is very fast but the rate of employment is very slow. If we want to control the problem of unemployment we should control population.
Government should bring good treaties with the other countries to send our educated and experienced persons abroad for many purposes. It is a good way to get rid of unemployment. Pakistan is basically an agriculture country.
If we want to get rid of unemployment, we must develop our agriculture sector. The people should co-operate with government.
Unemployed person should be ready to do all kind of work if the government introduces a policy of self-employment, the people should not misuse this policy.
Rather, they should participate and should try to encourage the government. Unemployment is no doubt a very dangerous thing for a country. For an unemployed person will not be a patriot for the country. This really is threatening.
So, the government should try seriously to solve this problem. As a nation, we should also help the government to get rid of this monstrous evil of unemployment.
As we know that today there is a political crisis in Pakistan, there are many problems in Pakistan, especially unemployment is increasing day by day in Pakistan, educated youth are unemployed.
Politicians should work honestly for the development and prosperity of Pakistan instead of fighting with each other and save the youth from unemployment.
The youth should also put heart into their studies and work hard and support their government for the development of Pakistan.