Popular Habits Of Failed Peoples.
1. Not caring.
Successful people are in control of almost every single one of their problems. And they do not dare to face difficulties that will make them sad, even if only for a short time. It is a pity that most of the losers have this common trait that they want to escape from the difficulties of life and they have no suitable solution for them. They become frightened and start imagining in their minds that one day all these problems will go away (automatically) while they should know that their carelessness will take them far away from their goal.So think about the people who run marathons. For weeks, and months, they focus on the fact that they have to succeed and win, and if they fail, they do not blame others for their failure, but they blame the bitter reality on themselves. Admit that whatever happened to them is the result of their own shortcomings.
2. Jealousy of others.
Unsuccessful people always turn a blind eye to responsibility. They are reluctant to accept any responsibility. In fact, they try to cover up their own failures by presenting the success of others as insignificant. While they should remember that jealousy is a fire as we see this interpretation in the hadiths narrated from the infallibles (AS) and in this fire he burns himself before the others. There is no happiness in life.
So when a person makes a vow to himself that he is going to be successful, he should fulfill whatever responsibility he has undertaken and bring it to an end until he achieves success because the path to success is very steep. It is full but you should be perfect never give up and do your best.
3.Lack of discipline.
Often those who do not get to a place or place, the main reason is lack of discipline in their programs and they do it at the last minute instead of at the beginning. Most of the time, they just don't pay attention to the time, but they work for the day.
4.Hate others.
Anger and hatred are the fruit of jealousy. Many unsuccessful people, if some people around them are in better condition or their life achievements are more than them, then they start hating them and those around them are responsible for their bad condition. Declare successful people. And they think that because of these people we have not been able to reach the desired position.
5.Avoid hard work.
The life of us human beings is like a stream which is always flowing in the current of the future. Not a single drop of it flows twice under a bridge and it never turns back. So take off the veil of laziness and step on the road to success. Unsuccessful people always try to find a way to get to the destination before others. However, it should be noted that there is usually no shortcut in life, but success requires adopting the same standards that other successful people have adopted, as is a well-known saying in Persian language: Going on. " That is, walk the path as other people have walked.