//Sharing my general knowledge week 16

in hive-180106 •  9 days ago 


Greetings, everyone. I hope you are great,I am; thank you, @sahar78 , for organizing this amazing contest for us,its amazing.
The eye is one of the most delicate,and most treasured part of our body,

The phrase "the eye is the light of the body" comes from ancient teachings, including biblical references like in the Gospel of Matthew (6:22).

It emphasizes that the eye functions as a gateway through which light (symbolizing knowledge, perception, or truth) enters the body and mind. Writing this contest has opened "my eyes" to a lot of mysteries about the eye and I would love to share through these questions.


Which is most sensitive part of eye?

The "FOVEA" is the most sensitive part of the eye. It is a small, central region of the retina where visual acuity is highest. The fovea contains a high concentration of cone photoreceptor cells (responsible for color vision and sharp detail) and no rod cells (which are more sensitive to low light). This makes it the part of the eye most capable of detecting fine details and color in bright light. When we focus on an object, light is directed toward the fovea to ensure the sharpest and clearest image possible.


Which is healthy vitamin for eye sight?

For healthy eyesight, Vitamin A is particularly important. It supports the health of the retina and helps maintain good vision. Additionally, vitamins C and E, along with minerals like zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, can also contribute to eye health. Foods like Egg, Leafy greens, Sweet potatoes and Carrots contains high amount of these vitamins..

What makes your eye sight weak?

Several factors can contribute to weak eyesight, including:

  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Eye Strain
  • Environmental Factors
  • Medical Conditions
  • Injuries

But what makes my eyes weak is Eye Strain.
Eye strain(also known as asthenopia) refers to discomfort or fatigue in the eyes, often caused by prolonged or intense use, such as reading, staring at digital screens, or driving for extended periods. It's not a serious condition but can be uncomfortable. And mine is especially caused by prolonged staring at digital screens, and it leads to headaches most times.


Here are some general tips for maintaining healthy eyes:



  • Regular Eye check up
  • Healthy Diet:Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly those known to support eye health like Vitamin A, C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids. 3.
  • Protect Your Eyes
  • Manage Screen Time
  • Good Lighting
  • Stay Hydrated
  • Avoid Smoking

l want to invite my friends to @adachukwu @ngozi996 and @jovita30 participate.

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