Application: My View, Myself Wk43.

in hive-180106 •  4 months ago 


In my secondary and primary school we were introduced to types of computer softwares, which was the system software and the application software. We were told that the system software manages and also controls the hardware products of the computer. Examples of this system software are; operating systems like macOS, Linux and so on.

We are dealing with the application software and I will be making a clear view on "Application" as it is our view for this week.

What do you understand by the word Application?

From my basic computer knowledge I see application as a program installed in a device to assist the user and also perform some tasks. The word application is not a new word as we used it interchangeably daily, it is often called "App" as its abbreviation. There are many applications which helps make work easier for us, examples of applications are;

  • social media apps: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, threads, YouTube, etc.

  • Microsoft office: Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint, etc.

  • Music apps: Spotify, YouTube music, musicolet, etc.

Tell about three applications in your phone.

I have 177 applications on my device not counting the system applications. I make use of over 30 daily, I will be talking about some of my favorite applications here, the first and important application i will share is one of my best social media apps.



This is a social media platform fondly known as the Green app. It is widely used globally and why most people love it is because of how private it is, you can't just search for any user or see posts and things about them person without saving the person's phone number. You can join global channels, communities and also communicate with friends. I love its easy interface of switching from video call to sharing your screen, it has helped a lot in this airdrop moment, helping newbies setup some things. You can make calls anywhere with your mobile data.

  • Twitter



This has really made waves now, it is also one of the most used apps globally, we get information quickly through this app. How did I know that Donald Trump won? I saw it from a tweet that he has finally won. News spreads faster there as we also share our steemit posts to reach non users.



This application has made it easier to surf through the globe, I can make any search here on Chrome as it is quite easy. I can access Google through my chrome. I prefer the chrome to other browses on my phone as it is widely recognized and doesn't stress its users.

Which application will you delete if you run out of storage and why?

Most of the Apps I have in my phone are important and I would lose a lot of data if I delete. I have taken part in many airdrops which requested for apps download, I would easily delete some of them as they show no sign of launching. It will be easy to install it back and login if it finally wants to launch.

If you are opportuned to create an application, what will it be about?


Based on my love for education and academics I would love to create an app that uses AI to teach its user, it will sort of have the ability to interact and respond to questions. Let's see it as virtual teacher, you will search on the topic you want and it will speak on those terms, it will have an AI face which will look similar to a human face.

The use of this app will make it easy for students to understand topics easily as it will look like a normal class with a teacher. Asking questions and also getting answers.

Would love to invite @precious9 @davidmarkgeorge and @onlyonefave to join

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I'm glad to hear that you're comfortable using the app! Indeed, Google Chrome is known for its ease of use and stable performance on mobile.