The Diary Game " 22 May 2k24" MY FIRST DIARY GAME "

in hive-180106 •  4 months ago 

Hello friends, how are you, I hope you all are fine, I am also fine by the grace of Allah, so today I am going to share my very first diary game with you. I will tell you how my day has been and what I have done that day I hope you guys like it so lets start.

So the first thing in the morning is that I wake up at five in the morning and go to pray Fajr but at that time I can't take photos because I have started a new blog so I forgot to read the Holy Quran after praying. I study and go for a morning walk when I come back I take a bath and sleep for a while then after half an hour my mom wakes me up for breakfast and says son come and have breakfast.So for breakfast, my mom Jan made me potato and egg curry, a piece of ghee roti and lassi. Due to the heat here, drinking lassi in the morning is very enjoyable because drinking lassi cools down your internal organs. Which gives you relief.


So after breakfast I got ready and left for my work. I am a doctor so I go to clinic. I have my own clinic. When I went to clinic, my mobile battery was very low due to which I did not take pics of calinic. Inshallah I will also share my clinic pick with you in the next blog.


So when I went to the clinic at two or three o'clock, my mother called me. She said, "Take the children from school. There is no one at home. So I went to take the children from school. When I got there, it was five days before the children were discharged." It was ten minutes from then I waited there for five to ten minutes. When the children were discharged, I took the children home and left them at home and because of the heat, I did not go back to the clinic again and I fell asleep. Because of this, my blog ends here.


I hope you guys liked my blog. I will meet you guys in the next blog. Until then, take special care of yourself and the people around you. Allah Hafiz

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