in hive-180106 •  6 days ago 

Good day steemians!


School year is about to end. And one of our school year requirements before going a vacation is to have a medical.

It is one of the requirements for us public school teachers here in the Philippines. This is to ensure that we are still fit and mentally healthy because we are facing and educating future professionals. We need to have a sound mind so that we can instill to our learners the good value and the proper way in delivering it.

We are required to perform 3 medicals namely:

Regular check-up especially for us teachers is indeed in need to maintain a safe learning environment to both parties.

After the check-ip, the deped nurse will visit our place and will read the result and will advise according to the result.


I had my medical one saturday morning because I cant make it on weekdays. While I drive going there, heavy traffic came accross my way even if it is still early in the morning. As I check the place, the reason is that there is a newly opened famous donut here in our place. And that day is their opening so there were many people waiting to open the famous dunkin donut.

I stayed at the traffic for 20 minutes only.


I reached my clinic destination after an hour. I went to Reactive clinic near Lapu-Lapu City Fall.


I then get a priority number, then fillout the form given by the attendant. I checked CBC, urine and x-ray. Then waited for my turn. The place is spacious and good yet they only had one medical staff to get our cbc that is why I waited for 4 hours.

I paid 400php (40 steem).

That is all for now. Thank you and have a great day!


[K Y R I E 1 2 3 4]



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