Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello Everyone
I am @lammiislam
From #Bangladesh
Assalamu Alaikum. how are you all I'm good and healthy abdullahw2 for presenting a contest between us on best sellers. Let's get started then
Who is the best street vendor in your area? And how often does he come there?
Jhalmuriwala is the most attractive person in my area. I love Jhalmuri and it is one of my favorite food. And this guy frequents my street and around the area because we like to eat Jhal Muri and this guy makes a lot of profit by being a seller. All of us, young and old, eat Jhal Murdi. And it's quite fun to make jhalmuri by the man's hand
Tell us what kind of products he sells like food items, groceries and utensils etc
The type of product he used to sell was Jhal Muri. Sometimes our face is like that, sometimes we have a strong desire to eat jhalmuri, then we wait for that person without making it at home and they make us one by one jhalmuri. Although Jhal Muri is made with sour cream and Jhal. And is quite fun to eat. We generally like to talk. Moreover the man's manners are very nice and soft for which we are all dirty and gentlemen eat Jhal Murdi from him every afternoon.
Why do you think he is the best street vendor? Give the reasons.
The reasons I consider the best street vendors are:
- That old man is honest
- Hand measurements are good
- Speaks with respect to everyone, young and old
- We don't talk about him being a seller and us being a buyer. He treated us like a friend.
- And that man goes to Jhal Muri map in the same measure without cheating everyone.
- And one cannot but admire this man. And the man cooks the food beautifully.
- And we sometimes take leftovers from the man and eat them. And the man doesn't push for money. Thousands of people don't have these things. So I found honesty in this man.
So I consider him the best street vendor.
If you have an interesting incident with your favorite street vendor, share it with us.
I will share with you interesting facts about my favorite street vendor. The guy is a bit older and less of an ear though. The person treats us like a friend, so we think of that person as a friend. If I don't have money, I borrow money and eat from that man. Funny thing happened to my daughter with this guy. If my daughter is much younger fourteen months. That guy doesn't know this girl is mine. My daughter suddenly cried and went to the man. And Jhal took it from the clothier. I actually knew where my daughter had gone. Suddenly I saw my daughter eating Jhal Muri near the seller. I was surprised that my daughter could not eat jhal but somehow she was eating jhal at that time I ran and caught my daughter. And my daughter says mum mum once she laughs another time she cries. But the thing is very happy to get the strange food One time he laughs and the other time he cries. Anyway this time I laughed a lot and one of the funniest thing was Jhal Muriwala and my daughter. Anyway this was a story about my best seller everyone stay safe and well thanks
Information the friend