newcomer thediarygame|20 March 2024|steemexclusive

in hive-180106 •  11 months ago 

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
☆Every task easy when you start with the name of Allah•

Hello friends How are you •

The Dairy Game 20 March 2024
Today is 9th Ramzan ul Mubarak•All Muslims were Fasting and recite Holy Quran•Today i come to school at 8:30 a:m• I note that all students sit their room and prepare their exams• Because annually paper took in my school• all students wear uniform properly •i attendance the registrar and go to in classroom• I calling the roll of my class• Telling about main point of English paper for the purpose of preparation• today at 9:30 paper start•

End paper
Students were divided answers sheets firstly and after that Questions paper divided among the students• All students start their paper• Today different subjects paper were conducted• Nursery class papers end today• Because they have only three subjects• Those students who come from far away were given leave from the school til 31 March•The papers we're collected from the students after solve•

Oral exam
Class 3rd was English oral paper• thats why their orally paper were conducted• My college Sir Pervaiz sb conduct oral exam of 3rd class one by one student• After exam Numbers were given to the students send in to the classroom•

Next paper
Tomorrow is Math paper of class five•So preparation of math subject of class five• all students Prepared their paper of math•

*Summer season
During conducted exam students side of rooms i feel that Summer season is starting• The hot is increasing slowly and slowly• The sun shine his full brightness•Birds trying to sit shadows of trees• watering to plants every day is necessary•
Rest after busy day
I spent busy day in my school• After come back to school i slept two hours•

thanks for reading my post•

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