The Diary Game 14-06-2024|| A busy Day at University ❤️

in hive-180106 •  4 months ago  (edited)


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Greetings to all friends

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you? I hope you will be well by the grace and grace of Allah and they will also be well. May Allah always give you happiness in your life and give you health.May Allah fill your life with happiness and give you many advancements.So friends today I am sharing my diary with you and I will tell you how I spent this day.


I woke up in the morning and first of all I took a bath, after that I had food, after eating, I put on my uniform, after putting on my uniform, I came to the university. After entering the university, I turned to my department, joined my department and attended my classes as usual.


I was very hungry, so after attending some classes, we went to the cafeteria together with our classmates. We had a few laughs while ordering the fries and then our order came
In which we all ate mill fries, after that my heart was that I should drink juice, and then I drank juice, so I satiated my hunger, then I went to take classes again, after that I finished the classes,



After finishing the classes, I left the university and took a rickshaw and sat on it and went to make fountains. My own glasses were broken, causing severe pain in my eyes, so I went to a glass shop where I got my glasses made.


I was getting late while making the glasses, then I sat in the rickshaw and came to the bus stop, then I waited for a long time at the bus stop, after which I got the bus and then I sat in the bus and went home. And in the same way, I went home, then I went home, I ate food, etc., prayed, etc., and then I went to sleep because I had to go to university again, so bye, I hope you like this post of mine. May you all be happy and stay safe and many prayers for your safety.

Thanks for visiting my post


I would invite my friends @aalirubab, @hamidrizwan and @samavia-doll to take part in the contest. Please remember me in your prayers.

With kind Regards



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