SEC-S14 W5 - Trabajo o negocio, ¿cuál es su preferencia? [esp - eng]

in hive-180106 •  last year 

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Imagen de mi propiedad

El negocio de mis hermanos y yo está fundamentado en el comercio. Distribuimos a nivel nacional (Venezuela) material para los supermercados, carnicerías, pescaderías. Vendemos molinos de carne, cortadoras, rebanadoras, neveras, congeladores. Nuestros mayores clientes son las carnicerías.

La empresa nació cuando un día conversando que ya estábamos hartos de trabajar para otros. Queríamos emprender algo de la familia.

A la semana todos renunciamos a nuestros empleos y con lo que nos dieron de liquidación arrancamos.

Ya mi hermano Juan conocía el ramo en que íbamos a trabajar y el resto de los hermanos lo que hicimos fue aprender de él y aportar nuestros conocimientos: contabilidad, logística, cobranza, administración, etc.

No teníamos local, no teníamos transporte para la mercancía. Salimos a la calle a vender y si la venta era efectuada, llamábamos a la fábrica, pedíamos el producto el cual era enviado por la fábrica a la dirección que le suministrábamos que era la del cliente y nosotros recibíamos nuestro cheque.

Fuimos ágiles en las ideas. Nos iba muy bien.

Cuando la pandemia fue declarada a nivel mundial en el año 2020, el negocio de la familia se fue en picada. Las ventas bajaron a cero y tratar de subirlas era difícil por no decir imposible.

Había que buscar una solución, había que dar de comer a las familias.

Entonces, cada uno se dedicó hacer lo que sabía y de forma independiente.

En mi caso, soy un aprendiz de escritor, edito videos, soy locutor e ingeniero de sistemas.

Para mí la solución estaba en internet. Allí era donde debía buscar mis ingresos.

¿Cómo administras tu presupuesto mensual en un trabajo o negocio?

Los gastos de mi emprendimiento personal son mínimos. Electricidad, internet, telefonía.

Esto me lleva a que los ingresos puedan rendir y así poder invertir en nuevos equipos, ampliar planes para el internet, cursos para obtener más habilidades y lo que se haga necesario.

Está de más que constantemente se hace un apartado, pera llevarlo a capital y aportar a la empresa familiar.

No siempre hay clientes, pero puedo asegurar que mis gastos no superan el 30% de los ingresos.

Habilidad o educación: ¿qué es importante para conseguir un buen trabajo o dirigir un negocio exitoso?

Estoy seguro de que el éxito está en tener constancia en lo que se hace, en hacer lo que nos gusta y hacerlo bien.

Conozco a más de un graduado universitario que no pudo ejercer su profesión porque no encontraban empleos y tuvieron que dedicarse a otras cosas.

Conozco a otros que sin un título universitario han hecho dinero por el solo hecho de hacer las cosas bien y ser constantes.

Pienso que aparte de la habilidad hay que estar siempre adquirido nuevos conocimientos, conociendo nuevas técnicas, nuevos productos. Si no lo haces caerás en el estancamiento y otros se llevarán tus clientes.

¿Quieres convertirte en un jefe o en un hombre de negocios exitoso?

Definitivamente, ser un hombre de negocios exitoso.

Sé que eso no se hace de la noche a la mañana. Hay que prepararse, trabajar duro, estar pendiente del mercado, ser un líder. No un jefe, sino un líder que pueda llevar al equipo por el camino hacia el éxito.

¿Historia de éxito de su preferencia de trabajo o negocio?

Steve Jobs. Un genio, un visionario.

Sin haber culminado sus estudios universitarios, decidió embarcarse en proyectos que solo estaban en sueños.

Supo saber que quería la gente y supo darles calidad, funcionalidad y elegancia en todos sus productos.

Supo armar equipos para que trabajaran en cada uno de sus proyectos y tenía la convicción de que nada era imposible, que todo lo que se podía soñar se podía realizar.

Definitivamente era un revolucionario.

Después de la pandemia, me quedé con mi empresa personal y colaboro con la empresa de mis hermanos.

Constancia, preparación y no tener miedo es la ruta para el éxito.

No soy millonario, pero voy por ello.

Todos los Derechos Reservados. © Copyright 2023 @principeleonardo

Contenido original escrito para:
SEC-S14 W5 "Job or Business what's your Preference?"

Muy cordialmente invito a participar a @raqueluchap77, @soythai y @mavilan

Todas las imágenes fueron editadas usando CANVA

Logro 1


Es mi responsabilidad compartir con ustedes que, como hispanohablante, he tenido que recurrir al traductor Deepl para poder llevar mi contenido original en español al idioma inglés. También, hago constar que he utilizado la herramienta de revisión gramatical Grammarly.


Imagen T (3).jpg

My property image

The business of my brothers and I is based on commerce. We distribute nationwide (Venezuela) material for supermarkets, butchers, and fishmongers. We sell meat grinders, cutters, slicers, refrigerators, and freezers. Our biggest customers are butcher shops.

The company was born when one day we talked about how we were tired of working for others. We wanted to start a family business.

A week later we all quit our jobs and with our severance pay we started up.

My brother Juan already knew the industry in which we would work. The other brothers learned from him and contributed to our knowledge: of accounting, logistics, collection, administration, etc.

We had no premises, we had no transportation for the merchandise. We went out to the street to sell and if the sale was made, we called the factory, and ordered the product which was sent by the factory to the address we provided, which was the customer's address, and we received our check.

We were agile in our ideas. We were doing very well.

When the pandemic was declared worldwide in 2020, the family's business took a nosedive. Sales dropped to zero and trying to bring them back up was difficult if not impossible.

A solution had to be found, families had to be fed.

So, each one dedicated himself to doing what he knew and independently.

In my case, I am an apprentice writer, I edit videos, I am a broadcaster, and a systems engineer.

For me, the solution was on the Internet. That was where I had to look for my income.

How do you manage your monthly budget in a job or business?

My business expenses are minimal. Electricity, internet, telephony.

This allows me to make sure that the income can be used to invest in new equipment, expand internet plans, courses to obtain more skills, and whatever else is necessary.

It is worthwhile to constantly set aside funds for capitalization and to contribute to the family business.

There are not always clients, but I can assure you that my expenses do not exceed 30% of my income.

Skill or education: which is important to get a good job or run a successful business?

I am sure that success lies in having perseverance in what we do, in doing what we like and doing it well.

I know more than one college graduate who could not practice their profession because they could not find jobs and had to devote themselves to other things.

I know others who without a college degree have made money just by doing things right and being consistent.

I think that apart from the ability you have to be always acquiring new knowledge, knowing new techniques, new products. If you don't, you will fall into stagnation and others will take your customers.

Do you want to become a boss or a successful businessman?

Be a successful businessman.

I know that it doesn't happen overnight. You have to prepare, work hard, be aware of the market, and be a leader. Not a boss, but a leader who can lead the team on the road to success.

Success story of your work or business preference?

Steve Jobs. A genius, a visionary.

Without having completed his university studies, he decided to embark on projects that were only in his dreams.

He knew what people wanted and knew how to give them quality, functionality, and elegance in all his products.

He was able to put together teams to work on each of his projects and was convinced that nothing was impossible and that everything that could be dreamed of could be achieved.

He was a revolutionary.

After the pandemic, I stayed with my company and I collaborated with my brother's company.

Consistency, preparation, and fearlessness are the path to success.

I'm not a millionaire, but I'm going for it.

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 @principeleonardo

The original content was written for:
SEC-S14 W5 "Job or Business what's your Preference?"

I cordially invite @raqueluchap77, @soythai, and @mavilan to participate.

All images were edited using CANVA

Achievement 1


It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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In my case, I am a beginner writer, I edit videos, I am a presenter and a system engineer.

I appreciate your expertise. I have gained many skills. We should start something to be successful. When we start something we will know about our own skills and extent of knowledge in that work. We do not have this honest courage to start, we sit in the hope of servitude to others that the job will be mine. Good luck to you.

Greetings @abdul-rakib.
I apologize for the lateness of my response. We had an internet outage that kept our hands tied, but we are up and running again.
A thousand thanks for your kind comment.
My best wishes for everything you undertake to be full of success.
Greetings from Caracas, Venezuela.

Ooh Nice 👍 it's pleasure to read your publication as you are very skilled in editing videos or in content writing. They both are very useful skills and you can earn and handsome income by sailing your skills online as freelancer. Thank you so much for sharing with us 😊 best of luck 🤞 and happy new year 🎊

Greetings @abdullahw2.
I apologize for the lateness of my response.
A serious internet signal failure kept me away, but we are active again.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
Best wishes for success in all aspects of your life.
Greetings from Caracas, Venezuela.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.