SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in hive-180106 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Asalam alikum I hope all steemian fellows are doing great. Topic of the contest is great and I am looking forward to some really good leaders in disguise. I am sharing my views on the topic.

If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?


I am from Pakistan and there is parliamentary form of government I Pakistan. In parliamentary form of government President is head of state and Prime Minister is head of government. President has got very little if o powers. But since question is metaphorically meaning authority so I will answer according to that. If I have authority in my country then my top three priorities will be as follows:
1). Firstly, I will make sure through constitution that all pillars of state are independent. Legislature, Judiciary and Establishment will be bound to work according to their job descriptions. They will not be answerable to each other neither will they be ranked in their importance as important and less important. I will make sure that interference from any of these out of their sphere will be considered violation of the constitution and will be dealt accordingly.
2). Secondly, my priority will be that justice system should offer justice within a specified time frame. This is very important to maintain peace and harmony and trust in the state. Present Judicial system of Pakistan is pathetic, its ranked 139th in the world. Justice is delayed for years which make people lose their trust in the judicial system. It’s rightly said “Justice delayed is justice denied”


3). My third priority will be linked with the second one, my maintaining peace and harmony in the state I will open ways and means for foreign investment. I will have in focus means of immediate income. Our Northern areas are blessed with natural beauty. If there is peace in the country foreigners will come to visit Pakistan in huge number and my end will just start off, in sha Allah.

As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?

I will also give proper attention to education and health care system in my country. I will apply one uniform syllabus in the whole country so that every student gets opportunity of acquiring education irrespective of their parents resources. Besides in education I will incorporate internships and work from grade 1. Student will have to take care of their class rooms and school buildings. With every grade work will be added according to the age and strength of the children. I will make sure that by the time student’s graduate they are functional unit of society.
In health care, I will do reforms which will benefit all citizens. All the citizens will have health cards and treatment will be offered to all of those who want to avail services from government hospitals. I will raise standard of government hospitals to a standard where no one will choose private hospitals.
By starting with these initial reforms I will continue to look for more facilitation.

As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?

I will definitely face many challenges in every field, but since I am answering keeping in mind the fact that I will be having authority of doing so , so I will face these challenges courageously. The present mindset of all those who have authorities in different fields will be a big challenge. They will create trouble in every way possible but I will take my public and institutes in confidence and will continue making difference.

Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

For sure I will try my best to make my country model for rest of the world. We are rich in so many things but unfortunately these resources are exploited and are limited to few families. I will focus on making each and every citizen a powerful and functional unit of the country. For making history for my country One thing that I will focus on will be destroying the manipulation and exploitation of few families and few office holders.
These were some of my opinion about improving my country. I invite @hamzayousafzai, @jasminemary, @ikwa and @aaliyarubab to this contest.

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You will improve education and healthcare systems, I would implement a uniform syllabus nationwide, introduce internships from an early age, and provide health cards for all citizens. These steps will empower students and ensure access to quality healthcare for everyone, regardless of their financial status.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. These are few of the reforms that I would incorporate on immediate basis, I have quite many on the list provided i am given the chance to implement.

Hi boss you have explained everything in details and what and what president need to do , the add like a second God, I wish you success boss

Thank you so much for your kind words, exactly infact those who have power they have great responsibility of facilitating the people they are responsible for. Its all about your sense of responsibility

Asalam alikum @roomi

I read your presentation and it was very nice and glad to know that you are from Pakistan and Pakistan is a country which is going very low and there are no signs of development but you expressed your opinion. It is very good to know that if you were the president of the country, how would you improve the country, as you said that you first improve the economic system, look at the foreign policy and in the judicial system. It brings change and we follow the plan of Islam. This is really right. Our country lacks all these things. All aspects are lacking. Our government is not doing anything for the people. Islam is not visible from afar. Although the foundation of our country is based on Islam, the judiciary has also become a victim of corruption. There is corruption of corruption in every department. If you were the president of our country, God willing, there would be signs of improvement as soon as possible and the country would move towards development.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my post. Actually main issue is our system of exploitation, this country was made in the name of Islam and no rule of Islam applies. Allah may give us all the sanity to act according to the teachings of islam. Ameen

Greetings dear @roomi
Thank you very much. Hope you are well and enjoying your life. As a president you have presented yourself here very well, thank you very much for taking your valuable time and posting here. You will have to go through many difficulties to lead your country but considering the difficulties you have to develop your nation. Similarly we have to fix our education department first because through knowledge we can go far. Knowledge is something by using which we can conquer everything. The first priority should be our education so that our youth and children are literate and become the capital of our country. I wish you good luck. Stay safe and blessed

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog. Yes education is very important in putting a nation on right track. Allah may give us the vision to know significance of education . Ameen

Hi friend. If you became an authority in your country, you would work on the independence that should exist in each branch of the state. Likewise, you would do everything possible to ensure that the judicial system operates with complete transparency and promptness.

Working for peace and harmony in your nation would be another of your priorities, since without peace and tranquility, no nation would achieve economic development and stability.

Good luck in the contest. Goodnight.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog. You have summed up my priorities, thank you for understanding it.

As you mentioned that, you want to maintain peace and harmony everywhere in the country. Your lines are very effective and impressive. I wish you good luck for the challenge. May God bless you with good health and happiness in your life. Many more success to you.

Thank you 😊

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog. Peace and harmony are very important for progress of a country, may Allah bless us with the vision to see above our interests and think for our country. Ameen

Hello dear! Your post eloquently highlights crucial priorities for improving Pakistan, focusing on judicial reform, education and healthcare. Your emphasis on independence for state pillars and prompt justice delivery is commendable. Good luck for the contest

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my post.

Your thoughtful priorities and plans for education, healthcare, and governance demonstrate a strong commitment to improving your country. Overcoming challenges and fostering inclusivity are vital for creating positive change. Best of luck with your vision for a better future!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog. Thank you for your kind words

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.

You have raised very valid issues. Nowadays people are not getting justice properly and the biggest thing is that they are not getting it on time. Others who are right people and innocent get justice very late and they do not get it. Just like there is corruption in every field, similarly there is a lot of corruption in judiciary also.
Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

Thank you so much for your kind words. There are indeed many issues in our country Pakistan but we love our country and we will do what we can so that atleast we play our part effectively.

Your vision for education and healthcare reforms is commendable! Implementing a uniform syllabus ensures equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background. Incorporating internships and work from an early age can greatly enhance practical skills and responsibility. Improving government hospitals to a point where they surpass private ones ensures access to quality healthcare for all citizens. It's a great foundation for further facilitation and improvement.

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my post. You have beautifully summed up the crux of my blog. yes these were the main points that i mentioned in my blog . i hope you found them making sense to you?

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help summarize the key points of your blog post. Yes, your points made perfect sense to me. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement.

I know you would do better for the people of Pakistan if you were the president. I pray your wishes and desire comes to pass. Success to you

Thank you so much for your kind words and best wishes. I believe great authority demands great responsibility. Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog my dear friend.

Greeting my friend,

Thank you for sharing your participation and showing your points on this topic! As a Pakistani citizen, you've highlighted a crucial issues and offered solutions. Good luck for participation.


Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my blog.

Your emphasis on independence of state institutions, timely delivery of justice and promotion of peace and foreign investment demonstrates a holistic approach to governance. Your commitment to reforming the education and health care systems, along with tackling corruption and exploitation, shows a dedication to building a prosperous and just society. Your leadership has the power to reshape the country's trajectory and create a positive legacy for future generations.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. I wish I have the opportunity of giving my suggestions a practical shape.
