Comment contest!!||Money or time!||3 SP reward

in hive-180106 •  6 months ago 


Contest body
  • Share that which is your preference?Money or time??
Rules that you need to follow
  • Post your entry in @hive-180106.

  • Your comment should contain minimum of 50 words.

  • Your post should be free from plegiarism and any sort of AI generated content.

  • Your post should be exclusive to steem so #steemexclusive is mandatory.

  • Your post should have clear images and you can use your own images as well as you can use images from copyright free sources.

  • You must be in club5050 , club75 or club100 to be eligible to participate 😀

  • You should be very original and very creative in your writing because it would enhance your chances to winning this contest.

  • It would be more good if you will add my username @sahar78 somewhere in your post so that I may visit your entry.

  • You are allowed to use the tag of #burnsteem25 if you are setting 25% to @null . Otherwise don't use it kindly.

  • Please invite your three friends must at the end of your post so that they may also participate in the contest.
  • It's not mandatory to use images of your own authority.
Contest schedule
  • The time to participate in this contest would start from 8th to 14th September.

  • Ensure your participation within the deadline I have provided, otherwise your entry would be considered invalid.

Prizes for contest winners 🏆
1st winner1 SP
2nd winner1 SP
3rd winner1 SP



Have a blessed day
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  ·  5 months ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum sahabat steemian, sebelumnya saya ingin berterimakasih kepada @sahar78 yang telah menyelenggarakan kontes komentar yang luar biasa ini.

Kalau saya disuruh memilih uang atau waktu,saya pasti akan memilih waktu,karena uang bisa di cari tapi waktu itu sangat berharga dan tidak akan kembali,seperti misalnya waktu kita bersama orang tua dan keluarga,kalau kita tidak punya uang,dengan bekerja kita akan dapat uang,tapi kalau waktu bersama keluarga itu tidak bisa di ulang,contohnya seperti saya sendiri,selagi bisa untuk saya mengunjungi orang tua saya akan mengunjunginya,bila perlu juga 1 bulan sekali,tapi itu semua tidak mungkin,karena keadaan jarak yang jauh.maka dari itu selagi ada waktu libur saya sempatkan untuk pulang kerumah orang tua,karena apabila orang tua sudah tidak ada nanti saya sudah tidak ada waktu mengunjunginya,tapi kalau uang kapanpun bisa dicari.

Saya ingin mengundang teman saya @edywan dan @suryati1 untuk mengikuti kontes indah ini.

#steemexclusive #contes #money-time

Do we lack time or are we not willing to take the time?

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

  ·  5 months ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada @sahar78 yang sudah mengadakan comment contest yang sangat menarik ini.

"Share that which is your preference?Money or time??"

Jika saya disuruh memilih antara uang dan waktu, saya akan lebih memilih waktu karena setiap detik yang berlalu tidak dapat digantikan, sedangkan uang selalu bisa didapatkan kembali dengan usaha dan kerja keras.
Jika kita punya waktu yang banyak, itu memungkinkan kita untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara keluarga, kesehatan, pekerjaan dan kehidupan sosial. Sementara jika kita terlalu fokus dengan uang, bisa menyebabkan kita mengalami kelelahan, stress dan penurunan kualitas hubungan pribadi dan juga sosial.

Saya turut mengundang @iqin, @bahrol dan @suryati1 untuk berpartisipasi pada kontes ini.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

#steemexclusive #contest #money-time

Terimakasih atas surat undangannya, ini kontes yang luar biasa karena kita dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yaitu waktu dan uang.

Seperti syurga dan neraka ini nampaknya kalau sampai salah pilih ya Bu, semoga sukses dan beruntung dalam kontes ini.

Aamiin ya Allah.
Terimakasih ya Bu
Iya Bu. Kalau di pikir-pikir, keduanya penting, tapi kita memang disuruh memilih satu yang terpenting.

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Alhamdulillah..Thank you very much for voting my post. May God repay your kindness 🥲

How are you all? I hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I will be taking part in a beautiful comment contest @sahar78 brother post of the Steem for pakistan community

My choice is time. There is a saying "Time tells everything". Whatever we do every day, it has to be done on time. We do everything based on timing. Money is earning sustenance through hard work after proper use of time. The origin of time is from the beginning of the Big Bang until the end of the world, If you manage this time properly with honesty and hard work, you can improve in life. Everyone can earn money. However accurate assessment of time is difficult. Proper estimation of time will keep the money rolling after you if you can do this difficult task or once conquered. Time waits for no one, we manage time properly and earn money

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

@wakeupkitty Thank you so much .

As for me I will choose money because with money I can have as much time as I want, I can go to any place of my choice once I have the money but if you have time you cannot use time to buy things but you can use money so for me money is better

That is a very smart remark! Let's take the money and relax.

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Asalammualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatu

Selamat pagi semua🤗🤗 mudah-mudahan kita semua selalu diberi kesehatan dan dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah SWT, aamiin ya rabbal alamin.

Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih
kepada @ sahar78 yang sudah mengadakan kontes komentar yang sangat menarik ini.

Di dalam komentar ini saya akan memilih"WAKTU"alasannya karena waktu tidak bisa kita ulang kembali.

Sebelum saya menikah banyak waktu yang saya sia-siakan,terutama disaat saya merantau diluar kampung halaman.banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia karena waktu itu saya Suka dengan dunia malam,dan sangat jauh dari agama.terlebih lagi saat ayah sudah tiada,tak ada lagi yang mengarahkan saya.tapi Alhamdulillah sekarang sesudah saya menikah semuanya bisa saya tinggalkan dan menjadi imam dan ayah yang baik untuk istri dan anak saya.saya menyesal karena tidak menggunakan waktu sebaik -baiknya.

Saya mengundang teman saya,@anroja,@bahrol dan @candra8692 untuk berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini

Wabilahitaufik wal hidayah wasallam mualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

So you lived like a party animal and now you want to be an iman you regret it? What if that lifestyle was needed to give you insight and show empsthy because you have been there?

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Iya,saya sangat menyesalinya.cukup sudah yang saya dapatkan waktu itu dan saya tidak mau mengulanginya lagi,karena kematian kita tidak tau kapan akan datang menjemput.

Penyesalan memang datangnya selalu belakangan pak,kalau di awal namanya pendaftaran 😂

Ya Bu,benar

Terimakasih atas undangannya.. semoga waktu yang ada sekarang ini dapat memperbaiki akan kesalahan dan kesesalan di masa lampau.

Sama-sama pak,benar yang bapak katakan.baru saya sadari sekarang pentingnya peran ayah didalam keluarga.

Sumber Gambar

Uang dan waktu saling berkaitan, mungkin mereka berdua seperti saudara.

Dalam hal ini saya akan lebih memilih uang, kenapa demikian disaat saya ada uang, waktu pun akan datang dengan sendirinya.

Uang sudah ada tinggal menggunakan saja, jadi waktu pun bisa digunakan dengan bebas untuk bersama keluarga, tidak perlu lagi sibuk-sibuk cari uang dan waktu pun bisa dinikmati sepuasnya tanpa memikirkan tentang uang.

Dengan adanya uang maka segala keinginan dan kebahagian akan datang, tanpa uang kebahgaian juga akan datang, tapi waktu yanga ada sudah kita gunakan untuk mencari uang dengan bekerja tanpa mengenal waktu.

Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada @sahar78 yang sudah mengadakan kontes yang indah ini.


#steemexclusive #money-time #contest-alert #indonesia #betterlife #lifestyle #steemit

I agree with your point that both (time and money) are interrelated. And As far as my understanding goes, the proper utilization of both time and money is always beneficial. Now it depends on us whether we waste them or use them in the right way.

Keduanya sama-sama sangat di butuhkan dalam kehidupan, waktu digunakan untuk mendapatkan uang, dengan adanya uang kita juga akan mendapatkan waktu.

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

Thank you very much

Value of time remains constant. It is as precious in future as it is in present and as it was in past. However, value earned from time varies with individual to individual.

Value of money decreases with time also known as time value of money.

That is why I prefer time is more important than money.

Greetings to all participants and @sahar78.

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

Thanks for the support.

Thank you @sahar78 for such a comment competition.

Between time and money I will now choose money. I am an unemployed young man with a lot of free time but very little money. Due to lack of money I am not able to fulfill many of my wishes like traveling to many beautiful places. I have both time and desire but no money. I want to buy a car but I don't have money. I will choose money considering my current situation.

I invite you @masfika @muhammad-ahmad @memamun to express your opinion in this comment contest.

UMMER(2).jpgTeam True Colours - @aaliarubab

Thank you Team True Colours - @aaliarubab ma'am .

Aslam o Alikum @sahar78 (72)

I am fine Alhamdulillah and I hope you are also well today I will express my thoughts about this topic of yours.

Everyone has a different idea about time and money, some prefer money, some prefer time, but according to my point of view, time is more valuable. If time is in your hands, everything is in your hands. Punctuality is the key to our success.If time is once out of hand, we can never bring back the time that has passed. Time is not a king or our domain that will stop. Time is also money. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  • Money is like the shadow of morning and evening. Someone has rightly said that money is a gift. Money is something that comes and goes. But if we have time, we can earn money and achieve all that we want. A great example of what we want to do is our founder Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

He was so punctual that when he came to address the Congress, people would fix their watches. He valued time and success was his destiny.I am also very time bound because everything can be within my control but I can never bring back the past time so I value the time right now.


Did you copy how to use "time" in a sentence out of an online dictionary to comment?

@abdul-rakib Thanks for inviting me. Thank you @sahar78 you for such a contest.

I want to choose time between money and time. I see my brother working for money. For this he used to work from 8 am to 11 pm and sometimes returned home. Even if you want to spend time with family, you can't do it properly. A family does not run on money alone, mutual understanding and child-friendly behavior requires time. I want good time to make my life happy.

I invite @nahidaislam @httr4life @zisha-hafiz you to give your opinion.

I thought this is a comment contest, how are we going to set 25% to @null. I need some clarification please

It is.. copied text from a contest?

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Money or Time

When it comes to what is valued more, between money or time. Time can be seen as a lot more valuable. Money in many cases can be made but time once lost cannot be regained. Time used effectively makes a better life and in the long run produces better opportunity to earn money.

Overall, it is worth acknowledging that with the help of proper planning and fulfilling daily tasks one can achieve the goal of time management. While money is necessary in life, efficient time management can create success/money. Hence, the management of time is the essence to a good life.