Season 15 - : Share Your Food diaries, Reviews, and Adventures!

in hive-180106 •  21 days ago  (edited)
Greetings everyone on this wonderful community I believe you all are doing well, am here to participate in this contest "Season 15 - : Share Your Food diaries, Reviews, and Adventures!" Is an interesting contest organized by @artist1111.


Different delicacy has different tastes and do require different methods of preparation. The taste of a food is based by various fact which includes ingredients, cooking techniques, spices and seasonings.

The method of preparation be different depending on whether the food is being baked, fried, boiled or steamed. These differences in taste and preparation methods can also base on traditions.

today I'm going to post a special delicacy of food well known as afang soup in my country.

Afang soup is deep rooted delicacy in the culture heritage of the Ibibio and Efik people which happens to be my culture. It is often prepared anytime or during special occasions and others ceremonies.

Before preparing my afang soup it requires skill and knowledge to properly combine the ingredients and achieve the desired taste.
Below are the steps I followed to prepare mine.

Ingredients that are requires are


how I prepared it

I first of all make sure the basics ingredients was ready and kept in place the afang leaf was already been grinded, i started with thoroughly Washing and slicing the water leaf.
crayfish was ready same with meat, fish and skin meat

KEY INGREDIENTS price amount in naira price in steem
afang N600 $2.8
meat N1000 4.8
cray fish N300 $1.8
water leaf N500 $2.3
ice fish N500 $2.3
maggi 100 $0.45
garri 500 $2.3
pepper 200 $0.8
skin meat 300 $1.3
salt available
water 1½cups depends 1½cups you can add other water if it tick too much
palm oil available





Putting all the necessary ingredients for steaming, i steamed it with a cup of water for about five(5) minutes to dissolve out the taste



After the seasoning of the meat, fish and skin meat I added another ½ cup of water before putting the water leaf and oil.



after that I cover the pot for the water leaf to cooked well and oil to mixed together that will take 20 to 30 second.
Then apply others ingredients such as crayfish, salt, maggi and pepper.



My grinded afang



After adding all the basic ingredients i confirmed my soup taste before putting my grinded afang after putting the afang and turn it very well for it to be everyway in the pot after that my soup was ready for consumption, I consume my afang soup with garri.


With those steps I prepared my favorite delicacy known as afang soup.

Thank you for your time in my blog.

I will love to invite
@suboohi ,@wirngo and @jozzie90

media credit
Captured withcaptured by
Infinix smart 6@samuelnkenta


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