Assalam O Alaikum.
Hello my steemit friends i hoped you are all doing well and enjoying life today i am excited to shares with you have post about my favorite sports personality. I loved watched sports and there is one athletes who stand out to me the most me tell you more about him.Thank you @abdullahw2 for the contest my favourite sport personality.
My Favorite Sports Personality: Shoaib Akhtar.
Shoaib Akhtar os known as the Rawalpindi Express is my favorite sports personality he is former Pakistanis cricketer he is famous for beings one of the fastest bowlers in the history of cricket i admires Shoaib Akhtar are not just for his speed for his passionate dedications and fearless attitude on the field.
First i learn about Shoaib Akhtar when i watched his cricket matches on television his aggressive bowling style and fierce spirit immediately caught my attention it was amazing to see how he could deliver a balls at such high speeds often over 150 km/h From that day i became a big fan of his.
Why Shoaib Akhtar Is My Favorite.
Shoaib Akhtar are my favorite sports personality because he has always been a symbol of strengths and determination despite facing many injuries through out his career he Nevers gave up. His dedication to sport and the ability to over come challenges make him truly inspiring he always believed in him self and never let anything stop him from achieving his goals.
Moreover Shoaib Akhtar's fearless attitude on the field made him stand out. He was not afraid to take risks and was known for his aggressive bowling. This boldness is what made him such an exciting player to watch.
Records and Achievements.
Shoaib Akhtar are many impressive records and achievements in his crickets career he holds the record for the fastest Boller delivery in cricket history which was recorded at 161.3 km:h during a match againt England in 2003 this achievement earned him the title of the fastest bowler in the world.
In additionally to his records of shoaib akhtar has taken over 400 wickets in internationals cricket making him one are the most success ful fast bowlers in the sport he played for Pakistan in numerous matches including the Icc World Cup tournaments and always been a key player for the team.
What i would do if i met him.
If i ever have the chanced to meet Shoaib Akhtar i would loves to ask him about his journey as a cricketer i would ask him how he manage to stay strong and motivated despite the many challenged he faces especially with injuries. I would also liked know how he trained to become the fastest bowler in the world.
Meeting Shoaib Akhtar has dream comes true for me and i would thanks him for being such an inspiration to me and many others. His story reminded me that with hard work and determination anything is possible.
I am inviting friends @wadood16 @entity01 @john247