"Facebook: My View, Myself Wk6".

in hive-180106 •  last year 

Greeting everyone,

I am @shahajahanali
From #Bangladesh.


Hello Steemians,

At first take my salam 'Assalamulaikum' and take my cordial love.Welcome to everyone to my first contest blog on steem for Pakistan.Hope all are well by the mercy of Almighty Allah.I am so well for your prayer and the grace of Allah.I am very glad to participate my a wonder topic.So, let's go and start writing without wasting time any more.


What does the social media platform Facebook means?

Facebook is a social networking website which connects us with friends, family ,business associates and so on.It is the largest networking site in the world . It has began its journey as a college networking site but it has expended all over the world rapidly.Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg .If we want to use Facebook ,we have to create a Facebook profile and then it shows friends and other information about it.The profile typically includes the following information : Status, Friends and Friends in other network ,Photos ,Notes ,Groups The wall. The users of Facebook are able to see others post and can share with his valuable information if he makes friend.Through Facebook we can connect the whole world instantly and come to know what happen in the world instantly.It has many interesting feature and day by day added new feature .For this reason , Facebook has become the most popular social networking platform in the world.


Do you have a Facebook account? If yes, tell is your Facebook experience?

There is no doubt that Facebook is one of the most known and popular social network in the world . Now-a -days , most of them people of the world use Facebook. Through Facebook we get the world affair easily .We can know the unknown and see the unseen of the world by Facebook. Like the other people I have a Facebook account . By using the Facebook, I can connect with other people such as friends, family members and so on and can know various information of the world .The above information is useful for us .Besides, It's usefulness, it has some bad sides. Some time, we use meaninglessly. It has killed our valuable .So, we have to careful to use Facebook.

Mention two features you wish Facebook had?

At first want to tell you that I have a Facebook. Facebook has a wide range of interesting feature .Most of the features is needed to use Facebook. There are many feature such as Having conversations with friends and known person, send images and videos,send Voice Notes,Emojis and Gifs, make audio and video call,Customize theme and Name,Create Group chat,Share screen and live location and so on. Group chat and sending video and audio call are the most interesting features to me.


What's your favorite social media platform?

There are various kinds of social media platform in the world such as Facebook, imo, twitter, Linkedin,discord , what's app ,viver and so on .Some of them use abundantly and some of them use very little.Among the most of them I like most Facebook. I like Facebook most because through this I can learn various thing,chat with with other easily, come to know about the world instantly what happen in the world .


In the end, everybody pray for me . I will pray for you and your family . May Allah keep you happy and well all time.
Allah Hafez,see you again in my another blog.

Thank everyone for reading my post on steemit

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