SEC-S17 /W3| "Imaginations do happen real"

in hive-180106 •  5 months ago 
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic

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This is my participation in a contest Imaginations do happen real organized in Steem For Pakistan by @hive-180106.

What do you understand by imagination?


Imagination mean a stream of consciousness. It's a flow of thoughts in our mind. It is a famous saying that the whole world is running on imagination. In Philosophy their is a believe that, this world is the copy of idea or imagination. First an idea come in our mind and then we give it a practical shape.

Imagination plays a crucial role in creativity, problems solving, and innovation. Those people having strong imaginative power are most likely creative in real life. It involves the inventive capacity of the mind to envision possibilities and bring out results of quarries and questions.

What's the coolest thing you love imagining?


To be honest I am a person having strong imaginative power. I do imagine things when I am sitting alone in free time. I try to find out solution to problems of my practical life and even of those problems and issues my country is facing these days.

The most favorite imagination of mine, which I do in free time, is solving all the issues of my country, make it standing on it's own feet and make it the super power in this world This is my most greates wish and I think about it always when I am free.

I have a proper Constitutional principles for it and I will run my country on those principles. I will focus on humanity and my country will be a peaceful country for everyone (race, class, religion, gender) in the world.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?


Ofcourse positive imaginations do exist and as I have said positive imaginations are the best source of creativity and innovation. We can solve many problems by working practically on those imaginations.

Let me Give an example

Let's talk about my most favorite imagination I have mentioned above. It's practically possible, if I stick to my ambition and work hard for it. I can make Pakistan super in this world one day.

All the inventions and scientific law and theories are the products of imagination. Bulb was the imagination of Thomas Edison, Charles Babbage's imagination, computer is in it's practical form is present these days. We have a long list of such things.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?


Yes being a Muslim this is my belief that the world will end one day. Yeah it would be too much frightening and horrifying, if I know the world is destroying next week. I think we all humans will lose our senses because of fear. It would be a very hard time for humans as mentioned in the Hadiths and the Holy Quran.

However, still I would like to do too many things. I would love to meet all my friends and relatives and spend time with them. I will seek them forgiveness, if I hurt them, or betrayed their rights ever. It would be last week of our lives so I would want to spend it with those happily.

Second thing is I would repent to God for all my wrong deeds I have done in my life. We are criminal of him, disobey him and have many wrong deeds in our life. I will seek forgiveness so he show his blessing on me in other world.

This is all about my blog for today, hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.


I would like to invite: kouba01, @mile16, @pelon53 @solaymann to participate in this Contest

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030


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Greetings friend,
You are very correct as positive imagination is a great source of creativity and innovation. When we work practically on those imaginations, we can actually solve many problems and make incredible things happen.

Amazingly, you have such a strong ambition to make Pakistan super in this world one day. With dedication and hard work, anything is possible! Just like all the inventions and scientific discoveries we have today, they all started with someone's imagination. Thomas Edison imagined the light bulb, and now we have it in our everyday lives. Charles Babbage imagined the computer, and look at how far we have come.

As a Muslim, you believe that the world will end one day. That can be a scary thought, especially if we knew it was happening soon. It is mentioned in the Hadiths and the Holy Quran, and it is natural to feel fear during that time.

But even in the face of such uncertainty, it is beautiful that you would want to spend your last days doing meaningful things. Meeting your friends and relatives, seeking forgiveness, and spending time with loved ones sounds like a wonderful way to cherish those precious moments.

And of course, seeking forgiveness from God for any wrong deeds is an important step. We all make mistakes, but seeking forgiveness shows humility and a desire to make amends.

Good luck and I wish you all the best friend.

Thank you so much dear for doing brief and long comment on my post. Keep blessing.


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Nice post

That's right, imagination is something that is always in our mind, whether in large or small creativity, it is a flow that is always yielding our mind, imagination is crucial in problem solving and innovation in our life.

I think that happens to most of us, my friend, to find solutions for the well-being of our country with many imaginations and solutions that can be given. Knowing that the world ends in a week, I think it would not give us time to imagine but rather it would give us time. I would attack fear.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Thank you so much dear for your beautiful comment.. Keep blessing.

Greetings dear brother @shahid2030
Imagination is what we do and I think we take imagination as a plan. We have to believe that it will be really destroyed and not just a fantasy. Such faith can keep us away from bad deeds in this world. You fear the hereafter and apologize to everyone. Good luck to you.

Thank you so much dear for your kind response. Keep blessing.

Hola amigo, indudablemente la imaginación ha sido la protagonista en el proceso de desarrollo del mundo porque a través de ella es que se han logrado inventar grandes cosas como las que tu has citado y gracias a la imaginación seguiremos innovando y dando respuestas a las necesidades que se vayan suscitando.

Suerte en el concurso.

Thank you so much dear for your precious response. Keep blessing dear.

Dear brother Shahid, I accept that Imagination mean a stream of consciousness. It's a flow of thoughts in our mind. It is a famous saying that the whole world is running on imagination. In Philosophy their is a believe that, this world is the copy of idea or imagination. First an idea come in our mind and then we give it a practical shape. My best wishes are with you

Thank you so much dear friend for your beautiful comment. Keep blessing.

Thank you, friend!
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Hello, without imagination there is no creativity and that is a reality, the ability to create unreal images allows us to project desires and then be able to carry them out, but many of these desires are unattainable in reality. Therefore, for the images to be positive we must imagine realistic goals and strive to achieve them, otherwise they will only be simple longings.

Thank you so much for your beautiful response dear. Keep blessing.

greetings @shahid2030

Imagination plays a crucial role in creativity, problems solving, and innovation. Those people having strong imaginative power are most likely creative in real life. It involves the inventive capacity of the mind to envision possibilities and bring out results of quarries and questions.

  • Of course, it is part of our mind and can be true, that is, the desires that we are striving to achieve are now part of imagination, but later can also become part of reality if we achieve them. If you will continue your struggle and dedication for.

Thank you so much dear friend for your beautiful comment. Keep blessing dear.

Hello dear!

Your post beautifully highlights the transformative power of imagination in shaping our aspirations and driving innovation. Your emphasis on the practicality of positive imaginations and their potential to drive real world change underscores the importance of nurturing creativity and ambition.Best regards for you

Thank you my dear friend for always giving a positive response to my posts. Keep blessing.

Your welcome dear brother 🤞


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Curated by : @sohanurrahman

Thank you so much for your kind support dear. Keep blessing.

Estimado amigo totalmente de acuerdo contigo en mi participación y en mi comentarios he hecho énfasis en que todo lo creado primero existió en la imaginación de tal manera que coincide con tu criterio de que el mundo gira en torno a la imaginación generalmente solemos imaginar las cosas para luego crearlas y allí la importancia de la misma. Me gustó leerte te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

Ya sebagai seorang muslim pasti kita meyakini adanya hari kiamat, kejadian itu pasti terjadi dan kita tidak tau kapan tepatnya.

Untuk terakhir kalinya, anda ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga dan membahagiakan serta bertobat kepada Allah atas perbuatan salah yang telah anda lakukan.

Semoga beruntung teman👍

Thank you so much dear for your sweet comment. Keep blessing.

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Greetings to you sir
You post is very detailed because it showed how important imagination is and how Thomas Edison, Charles Babbage and other great people have made a good use of their imagination, I wish you the very best sir in this contest🎉

I really appreciate your beautiful words. Thanks for that my friend.

It's my pleasure, sir 🥰🫂

I agree with you on all the points you mentioned. They are right and correct. I like that you wana meet your friends and relatives in the last one week.. Also, I love that you follow your religion correctly and that you love your religion. Keep working, and you will achieve everything through imagination. Have a nice day.

Thank you so much dear for your beautiful comment here. Keep blessing.

Imagination is a powerful tool that can lead to positive outcomes. By believing in our imaginations and working towards turning them into reality, we can create a better world for ourselves and others. It's important to have faith in our ability to make a difference through our positive thoughts and actions.

Thank you so much dear for your valuable comment.

Hi, friend,
Well said that positive Imagination becomes Creativity and solutions to our Problems.
I wish you much success and blessings to be able to see your country free and being a power.
Have a great day,
Kind regards!!!

Imagination is what we do, every human soul has its own thoughts and ideas, and I think we take imagination as a plan, for example, any rational person will do anything about it first. There will be some plane in the mind. We have to believe that the world will really be destroyed one day, this is not an imaginary thing, it is our faith. We have to prepare for the hereafter otherwise we cannot succeed.

Thank you so much my dear friend. Keep blessing.

Hello friend greetings to you.

You have written beautifully on the topic.

You love doing lots of imagination.

And when the world is about to end, you would love to spend time with your loved ones.
You would also repent of all sins.

All the best in this contest.

Thank you so much dear for your precious comment. Keep blessing.

I love your last point, spending time with your loved ones during the last week is a lovely thing, seeking for their forgiveness. That is same with me, I will mak peace with everyone because there is nothing in this world to fight for.

Thinking of solving personal and your country problems is the right thing to do bro, repentance is very important in our life if really we want to enter heaven. You write well bro, I wish you success in your entry.

Thank you so much dear friend for your beautiful comment. Keep blessing.

You are welcome friend, one love.

Saludos amigo la imaginación nos permite crear un mundo perfecto o resolver todos aquellos problemas que nos acosan
Ojalá ese deso de sacar a tu país de ese abismo se haga realidad y con trabajo duro como dices se puede lograr
Si el mundo se termina en una semana todos estaríamos muy horrorizados pensando solo en ese día final

Thank you my dear friend for your so much beautiful comment here. Keep blessing.

Imagination will be good if it is a dream that we want to achieve so that it can motivate ourselves to be enthusiastic about becoming a rich person, apparently this imagination will become a reality. Good luck in this contest

Thank you so much dear for your beautiful wishes. Keep blessing.

Primero nos viene a la mente una idea y luego le damos forma práctica.

Así es y que fabuloso es imaginar cosas bonitas y luchar por ellas, algunas oye serán inalcanzables, poco prácticas por ello debemos ser conscientes que los sueños son temporales.

Es muy bonito tu sueño y el de muchos de tus compatriotas, he leido varios contenidos, deseo que tu país vuelva a brillar, que la paz reine y la prosperidad para todos, bendiciones, un gran abrazo.

I really appreciate your presence here. Thank you so much for commenting dear.

Espero que realmente puedas hacer de Pakistan un lugar mejor, que tu imaginacion y tu lucha se conviertan en algo realmente tan poderoso que puedas lograr esa meta, y yo quisiera estar y visitar tu país cuando eso pase. Realmente tambien pensé parecido en la pregunta de si el mundo se acaba la proxima semana, pedir perdón es algo positivo que podemos poner en practica siempre. Muy buena entrada amigo, muchos exitos nos estamos leyendo.

Thank you so much dear for your beautiful comment. Keep blessing.