Grandmother: My View, Myself Wk32

in hive-180106 •  7 months ago 
Welcome To My Blog Friends


August has arrived and am so excited, is a one month holiday for my school and am really going to have alot of chance to blog in steemit. I enjoy steemit more, during the holidays and I will ill try my best to be very active this time around. This contest is one of my favorite contests in steemit and I want to use it as my first post for this wonderful month. Thanks @saintkelvin17 for this wonderful contest.

What do you understand by the word Grandmother?

Grandmother is the mother to our parents, ofcourse everyone in this world has a mother, some of them live long while some die, thereby making there children motherless or orphan if the father has died already. Grandmothers are our parents mothers and our parents mothers are known as our grandmothers. Our parents fathers are also our grandfathers. This is what we always learn in school under the subject Social studies and under the topic family. Education had really enlighten us about alot of things in life.

Is your grandmother still alive, if no, tell us what led to her death, if yes, tell us how she's doing.

Yes my grandmother is still alive, though she's my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandmother died when my father was in Primary 4, she's a very wonderful woman according to what my dad told me. My maternal grandmother is definitely going to live long, she was with her mum which is my great-grandmother, throughout the civil war in Nigeria many years ago when my parents weren't even born.


My grandmother was so obedient to her mother, she took care of her mother throughout that hot period as they were always running from one place to another for safety and fear of not being killed during the war. My grandmother's dad was already dead a long time ago before the war and my grandmother elder brother was a soldier who was also fighting the war, her other elder brother ran away from home and my grandmother was left alone with their old mum, currently my grandmother is strong and healthy.

Is there an old woman in your neighborhood? Tell us about her as well.

There's an old woman in my area, she stays with her husband and grandchildren at home, this woman is very strong because she can still walk on her own, she's my church member and I derive joy alot whenever I see her coming to church with her husband, they will definitely live long. This woman can still talk and do many other things.

my grandmother and her first daughter

This old woman came to church one day with her mum and the entire church was very shocked, we were so surprised that this woman's mother is still alive, this is to show that she gave birth to her daughter which is the old woman in my neighborhood, at a very young age because this woman's mother is so vibrant. I also believe that she's still alive as a result of obeying her parents when she was young, she never disrespected them and her days are now long on earth.

Tell us about the best advice you have received from an old woman.

The best advice I have received from her old woman is Always be honest and truthful, you don't know what will happen next, an old woman in my neighborhood gave me this advice few years ago when I was still in junior high school, it happened as a result of a man who was dishonest in my neighborhood and didn't know that the people who was trying to cheat was smarter than him, the man got arrested immediately for not being honest and till today I have remained honest.

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I just commented on a post by your brother that children are precious. Well, old people are just as precious.

As for your grandmother, she is one smart lady, and she looks like she is as strong as an ox! Enjoy every moment with her and build those memories!

Good luck, and thank you for the invitation.

Yh my grandmother is a very vibrant woman, I really love her alot and I wish to visit her again, we stay very far away from her, I miss her though.

Happy new week.

Thank you! ☕
A happy new week to you also.