"Artmosphere - week1 : My Dream Vacation Spot"

in hive-180106 •  5 months ago  (edited)

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @tammanna from #Bangladesh.

Artmosphere - week1  My Dream Vacation Spot.png

The picture created by canva.


Greetings Wonderful Individuals

How are you all my dear friends? I hope everyone is well and Alhamdulillah I am fine today Sir @rashid001 in the community of "Steem For Pakistan". to declare Contest "Artmosphere" Week -1: Draw your Dream Vacation Spot. Appeared to participate in the contest and hope today's picture topic I will try my best to draw here I am asked to draw a dream vacation spot although I have never drawn such a picture before today I hope I will try to do well Let's see what happens

According to the topic of today's contest, I will draw a spot but here I have chosen the beach to spend my vacation time because I never thought of a better place than the this . In the water, we will all spend time at sunset and there I and my family will spend many happy moments and the beach. High hill with beach chairs and a big umbrella over his head is just like what we imagine or see in pictures in a lovely place There is a strong desire to spend vacation time let's start with today's image,

Materials I used for this drawing

🟥A white notepad

🟥A pencil

🟥An eraser

🟥A pencil cutter

🟥A black marker pen and

🟥Different coloured pencils

🍀Step 1 🍀

462535787_788307816700057_1870953599474827220_n.jpgStart drawing

First I drew a picture of four people with a pencil on a white notebook, there are parents and two children.

🍀Step 2 🍀


Next, I drew a sea beach chair behind the people.
Then I drew a big umbrella on top of the sea beach chair.

🍀Step 3 🍀


Then I drew a line through the middle of the people this will help me to differentiate between the sky and the sea
Next image I drew my whole image with a black marker pen

🍀Step 4 🍀

462541825_574573124968396_7871611878474086356_n.jpgStart painting

Next I prepared to colour my image and firstly I used yellow and orange colours I did some I used a mixture of yellow and orange colours

🍀Step 5 🍀


and then I added some brown colour on top and again added yellow and orange colours to fill the space.
In the next step, I filled the middle area with dark blue and light blue and added some green colour below the line. Here I used this color to represent the sea water.

🍀Step 6 🍀


Then I painted the bottom part of my picture completely with light brown and nude colours
then I filled the umbrella with red colour here I left some cells with red colour and some cells with white colour

🍀Step 7 🍀


then I drew sea beace chair where I filled with yellow and green colours And I used brown colour on the sticks on the chair
and then I covered the people completely with black paint. Here I used black paint on deep and painted lower them with a bit of blue colour to show that the people are some submerged in the sea water.

🍀Step 8 🍀



The drawing is complete

Then I drew a big bird on top of the people with black paint
and then I was able to draw the whole drawing

🍀Step 9 🍀

462551686_938358214866106_7875904132379862055_n.jpgA selfie with drawing full form

finally I took a selfie with the whole form of my drawing.

I would like to invite
@abi24, and

Deviceoppo 11 pro
Thanks everyone for reading my post



Thanks alot for reading.gif

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You have chosen the beach to spend your vacation time because you never thought of a better place than the this that's right. Its a wonderful place for spending time with family. The intricate detail and vibrant colors are simply stunning. You did a great job. It is appreciative. May success in the contest.

I'm delighted that you participated in this competition. Mashallah, you've created your dream spot in a wonderful drawing style. You've used colors very effectively. Continue to pursue your passion for drawing.

Thank you sir


Excellent painting.One of the most beautiful paintings of all time is Up's painting.I pray that Allah will make you successful👍👍👍👍👍

Tnax apu