If you're not aware of the historical context, you can get caught up by reading:
In a nutshell, I violated the dumb TOS, so my posts are no longer indexed properly.
I'm aware of certain properties of their protocol that allows me to reach my followers. It's risky because they could easily fix it, but I think it's worth doing, especially for all of my new steem followers.
So if you're seeing this post, don't bother bookmarking it to read it later. Unless you use an independent front-end, you won't be able to find this post later.
There are certain advantages to having an account configured like this. I can say whatever I want. But the disadvantage is that I probably won't be able to reply to comments.
Therefore, you should make sure you have a Hive account instead. I'm free interact there.
Here, I can just be random.

In retrospect, it's weird that as a kid I thought completely random outbursts made me seem interesting, given that from an information theory point of view, lexical white noise is just about the opposite of interesting by definition.