Check out, a website hosted by Dr. Richard Carrier. He is an expert on the subject of Jesus Christ's existence—or nonexistence.
Christ was a mythical character in a story book known as the Bible. The character is based on Horus, Vishnu, and many other ancient gods and legends. For example, read Epic of Gilgamesh. It was written 2,000 years before Jesus supposedly was born, and at least a couple of the traits of Christ were in it. Once you read that (it is quite short and easy to read), try reading up on a few other gods and ancient legends, like the gods I mentioned just now.
I read Epic of Gilgamesh and thoroughly enjoyed it. Later, I will read Homer, as I have heard that his books contain parallels to the story of Jesus Christ as well; and he lived about 500 years before the supposed Christ.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you learn much about what Christ truly was: a legend in a fiction book.