You might want to read Jerry Coyne's article about a gifted filmmaker who created a film called "Jihad Rehab" about how people get indoctrinated into Islamism.
The 'woke' and cancel culture use the pejorative 'islamophobia' to muzzle those of us who want to speak out against Islamism.
When an artist, a filmmaker, or someone else criticizes extremist Islam, also known as Islamism, this gets distorted into a criticism of Islam.
Islam and Islamism are two very different things. In fact, Islamism threatens Muslims more than any others.
Law abiding, peaceful Muslims suffer when they are thrown into the same category as those Muslims who become violent. By this kind of false categorization, those who accuse criticizers of Islamism of 'islamophobia' are victimizing Muslims. If you say that for criticizing Islamism I am an 'islamophobe', then you are saying that Islamism is Islam, thus grouping violent extremist Muslims with peaceful Muslims. This is abusing Muslims' reputations.
Please respect people who criticize Islamism; it is extremism.
Islam is not extremism any more than Christianity is the Ku Klux Klan.
I hope that this article is understood with the greatest compassion and care, for that is how it was conceived. Thank you for reading.
Wishing Muslims Respect,