Beautiful Photography Of Honey Bee 🐝

in hive-180821 •  2 years ago 
Honey Bee
Honey bee is made from two ingredients: nectar and pollen. Bees collect from both flowers.Nectar is a sweet liquid that is collected from the heart of a flower, while pollen is collected from the anther of a flower. Bees have specific roles, with only some bees collecting pollen and others only nectar, depending on their job. Nectar or pollen can weigh up to 30 percent of a bee's body weight.Bees store pollen in their "saddle bags" while moving from hive to hive or flower to flower. This allows them to pollinate a flower with pollen from another flower.If bees need energy for themselves, they will open a valve in their nectar sac to convert some of the nectar into energy they can use.Beekeepers wear protective suits when collecting honey. They calm the bees using smoke, which blocks the bee's pheromones, making them less aggressive. Beekeepers reach into a section of the hive and remove it. Honey is extracted by crushing the comb by hand or by machinery. Any debris and residual wax is removed from the honey through a beeswax filtering process.In the past, it was common to take all the honeycomb from the hive, resulting in many bees dying of starvation. Modern beekeepers usually leave a portion of the bees in the hive for the bees to feed on during the winter. If they don't want to leave any wax, they provide sugar water or crystal sugar as an alternative bee food. Honey bees are an incredibly important agricultural commodity, and they are under threat. The varroa destructor, also known as the varroa mite, is a deadly threat to bees. They spread viruses that impair the bees' ability to fly, gather food or reproduce. These nasty bugs are about the size of a match head, and Australia is the only inhabited continent in the world that is free of varroa bugs.
Honey Bee Pictures





Some have panicked, but so far, smallpox has been stopped at ports (they come by ship), and Australia is currently varro-free.In Australia, bees and their pollination services are worth $8 billion a year, so a varroa worm infestation would not only be environmentally devastating, but also severely damage the economy.





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Thanks for your beautiful post and photos!