in hive-181136 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Assalam o Alaikum! (Hi All Stemians Friends)

How are you all? I hope you all are well and have a happy life. I am @arslanaj. Welcome to my blog.

And I'm very happy to be a part of it and I thank them for us to showcase their talents.

Specially Thanks for Scouts y sus Amigos Community.

And in today's post I am presenting to you that we all know that the connections that our life.


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As you know that the life we ​​are living plays a very important role in terms of technology so I prefer to be on the blockchain these days instead of just being on regular social media because it is also such a technology. There are many things that make it easy for us to understand and provide information.

So I would like to tell you clearly and the reason is very simple though we are devoting our time and effort to Communities to make them and develop it specially and the process maintains all the profits that make it very That's all there is to information and stuff.

I would like to make it clear that this is not the case at all. With blockchain social media like steemit here is a team of very friendly people who will help you in all your endeavors. What to do next and also how to do it.


And I wanted to tell you that I've been told to try to continue working after my success for the betterment of Steemit. I think that's been a great thing for me so I'm in the community of newcomers. Enthusiastic about getting started and learning because it gives us the opportunity to learn and teach many things. It allows us to share many things with others and share our skills with others without any reason or hesitation. You can share with them and show your own.


I would like to tell you very clearly about blockchain that Baloch information record system is a type of blockchainDLT in which transactions are recorded with non-variable cryptography to change the system. Or cheating becomes difficult or impossible, which is called a hash.

And I would like to show you and I would like to show that I am very excited for the future so that as much as I want to know about this plate form, get a lot of information from it and from it for yourself and others. I work hard to reach.

As I would like to say before, I am very happy to be here and it is a great pleasure to be here. With a lot of hard work to teach it with a time we can take it forward which can give us a lot of benefits that is why I love working on it.


And I hope that I will learn more from it and that I will get some good things and explain it further and explain it in a very good way. Thank you😊

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Que bueno que tengas tanta disposición en aprender. Realmente Steemit es más que una red social, ya que nos da la oportunidad de aprender temas muy fascinante como la tecnología blockchain y las criptomonedas, además de poder compartir nuestros talentos y pasiones. Espero que logres todos los objetivos que te hayas propuesto dentro de la plataforma.

Yes Inshallah... Thanks for your kind words for me.