SEC - S10W2 | My Languages

in hive-181136 •  2 years ago 


My Languages

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I would like to invite some of my lovely Steemian Mrs. @asnita0110 Mr. @ayijufridar @zainalbakri @yuliadi join this challenge

1. How Many Languages Do You Speak ? Which Of Them Are You Native Languages & Which Ones Have You Studied ?

Alhamdulillah I can speak approximately seven languages, there are Bahasa (Indonesia), Aceh, Java, Sunda, Padang, English & Malaysia. And actually I can speak or know when a little bit another languages such as Japan, Korea and Arab. Yet, I bold it again, just a little bit or some words.

And yep, my native language is Bahasa. No wonder, I have studied all of the languages which one I mention above the paragraph.


I am over the moon to learn a plenty of languages in my daily life

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2. What Methods Have You Used To Learn Languages ?


Talk to the mirror (myself) is one of my favorites method to improve my English

This question is one of my cup of tea, indeed. Yeah, I share a lot of things for many years about this question when some people asked me about how could be I can speak quite well about some languages. No doubt, I would like to say if you want to get something, then you must work hard & work smart. Sure, need rather long process so that I can speak some languages in my life.

In this moment, I am going to focus & share the methods I have used to learn one of my favorite anguages, English. Well, here we go :

1. The highest point to learn English are consistently & never give up. Specially for English, I learnt it since I was a child, exactly starts from elementary school till today;

2. Hit the books. I read a bunch of English books & articles since I was elementary school till today;

3. Watching a lot of English videos on social media such as Youtube & Instagram. My favorite vidoes on Youtube are British Got Talent, America Got Talent, English Debate & Discussions, English pEnglish Speaking & Pronunciation, Doha Debates & so on;

4. Watching a plenty of movies with English subtitles. This is one of the great way to test & know about my listening & pronunciation to improve my speaking, too;

5. Practice it every single day ! One of the main point of English is practice. I frequently remind my students every time when I am teaching them, that “No matter how smart or good your English. If you don’t practice your English, it will be useless !”;

6. Never bored & stop to study during in your life & try to find to some partners to improve your English;

7. Listening a plenty of English songs. Try to translate it by yourself. If you pretty confudes, open the translation of those English songs. I highly recommended, mainly for the beginner to listen old songs for beginner inasmuch as it easier listening & good plus clear pronunciation;

8. One of my favorites methods is talk to the mirror (myself). Talk to everything around us such as cats, chicken, birds, baby, kiddos & etc;

9. Last but not least is memorize a lot of vocabularies then practice it. This is the most crucial things, definitely.

3. In Addition To The Ones You Already Speak, What Other Language Would You Like To Learn ?

Now I am on the process to learn about Korea, Nihon Go a.k.a. Japan Languages, Arab & Mandarin. No wonder, I follow about a lot of social media related with those languages.

4. What Do You Consider To Be The Most Difficult Thing About Learning Another Language ?


Guiding my students with some of tutors to improve & practice their English face to face with some of tourist in Keratonan Kesultanan Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

It seems to me that the most difficult thing about learning another language is find a partner to improve my English, especially in my hometown, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Yeah, after back from the big cities to my hometown, Aceh, one of my biggest planning are want to make “Lhokseumawe City English Community (LCEC) & build KILl (Kampung Inggris Lhokseumawe) The Time”. Unfortunatelly, it’s a rocket science. I have a big hope that someday my dreams will come true. I have a biggest intention to build my city to be one of the better cities in Aceh, especially & Indonesia, generally


I have a biggest dream to make “Lhokseumawe City English Community (LCEC) & build KILl (Kampung Inggris Lhokseumawe) The Time” in my hometown, Aceh. Photo located at Kampung Inggris, Pare, Tulungrejo, Kediri, East Java

5. Why Do You Think It Is Important To Master Several Languages ?

Absolutely it is important to master several languages in my point of view. Yazz, due to the fact that language is one of the biggest tools to make & build communication with some people from some countries or abroad.

Till right now, I still remember, someone in her or his (I forgot it, there is a man or woman) articles said that if you learn a lot of languages in your life, that’s one of the great things to maintain your health. Yeah, due to the fact that when we learn some languages, it will be avoid us to easy amnesia fastly.

No wonder inasmuch as our brain always try & try to stimulate itself to learn about something. Sure, in this case is languages.

When we master several languages, this is give a bunch of benefits to ourself. One of them we can protect ourself from the crimes when someone want to cheat us. So that’s why fellas, let’s learn some languages for our kindness. Hehe...


Let’s master several languages to protect ourself from the crime, fellas

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Big thank you to the founder, admin plus moderator of Scouts Y Sus Amigos Community whom made this lovely challeng. May God blessed you with a good health & happiness, my beloved fellas.

Warm regards,


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Es maravilloso que te gusten tantos los idiomas, dicen que por cada Idioma que se hable tendremos más oportunidades en el mundo.

Tienes una larga lista de idiomas que deseas hablar y eso te dará mucho más conocimientos y podrás comunicarte mejor con tus amigos.

Usa muchos métodos para aprender y eso te ha dado buenos resultados. Quizás puedan ser de ayuda para quien quiera aprender un idioma Gracias por compartir.

Buena suerte Bendiciones 💕💕

Hello you're right, when we are in a different country and they speak another language, it is easy for us to know what they are saying if we understand the language, and thus know when they say good or bad about us. Above all we can be able to build good friendship with the foreigners and increase job opportunities for us.

The diversity in language is quite amazing, its nice to read that you have more languages you want to learn and that is very good, I know you can do it. So I wish you much success!


Eres políglota, esto me parece realmente admirable ya que se lo difícil y todo lo que implica aprender un nuevo idioma, así que me imagino lo que es aprender 6 idiomas más.

El hecho de hablar 7 idioma amplias tus medio de comunicación a mayor cantidad de personas, esto es muy bueno.

Hola amigo, te felicito porque has nombrado aproximadamente siente idiomas que puedes dominar y has explicado las técnicas que usas, una de las que has nombrado me acuerda a un profesor de inglés de Canadá que me dijo que todos los días se debe practicar el idioma que deseas aprender porque o sino será inútil. Tal cual como piensas tú. Por otro lado me comentó que es bueno antes de dormir escribir una oración y leerla con dicho idioma de tal manera que te acuestes practicando el inglés.

Me pareció interesante, su idioma natal es el español pero vivió muchos años afuera y estudio inglés, actualmente vive dando clases.

Te felicito porque eres una persona muy perseverante y se que con la meta que tienes en mente de te abrirán muchas puertas.

Deseo que se te cumplan, saludos cordiales. ✨

Saludos amig@, tienes una amplia y diversa lista de idiomas que deseas aprender, todos muy interesantes, no dudo que con el interés que tienes saldrás airoso en el asunto destacándote en el ingles que es tu favorito y usando metodología adecuada. Te deseo éxitos en tal proceso de aprendizaje, en tu entrada y en tu cotidianidad. Saludos y Bendiciones!

I am honored to be invited to join this exciting challenge from @asiahhaiss. I will take the time to follow it. May you be full of blessings and success.


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