Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 Week 6 : Teach me how to do something with my hands.

in hive-181136 •  last year  (edited)


When the word cooking is mentioned, a lady would be attributed or credited for that. Some months back, a Nigerian lady broke world record of longest cooking hours. Everyone were in awe as this lady cooked for 100 hours. To this trend, others set up a challenge to beat her record. Quite impressive. All these is attributed to cooking.


Do you know Men can cook? We're just being reserved. In this post, I'll be teaching you guys how to cook with limited resources, a sweet simple African dish called Palm Oil Rice. This dish doesn't require something elaborate although many may choose to make it rich.

Ingredients Used

The ingredients I used were;

Palm oil, Spices(thyme, curry powder, jollof spice,etc), OnionsIMG_20230711_210637_936.jpg
Eggs and pepperIMG_20230711_210626_525.jpg
Crayfish, Maggi, salt and ground pepperIMG_20230711_210622_198.jpg

These are the few ingredients I used to cook this simple, sumptuous meal. Watch out.

Methods of preparation

Many people have their own way of preparing this type of rice. Some would wash the rice and won't parboil while some would cook the rich unwashed and then parboil it. I want to cook and then wash after cooking. To prepare a palm oil rice dish; you need to follow the following steps appropriately.

  • Before cooking such a meal, ensure your ingredients are intact and that nothing essential is lacking. Also know the nature of your rice before boiling. Long grain doesn't need much water while short grain needs to avoid chewing rather than eating the grain. IMG_20230711_211130_914.jpg

  • Use a sizeable pot and put a reasonable amount of water in it. In this process, I'll be cooking only 2 cups of rice. Add the 2 cups of rice and ensure the water is above the rice to some extent. Heat the rice on medium heat and allow it to steam. IMG_20230711_213725_731.jpg

  • Once the rice steams, check of the rice is a bit soft before turning of the heat. After that, pour the rice into a basin and then wash it. Use a shifter to pack the rice and put on a separate basin.Use that post you boiled the rice at first and heat it on medium heat after ensuring the post is empty of rice. After the pot is heated to dryness, add 4 teaspoon full of oil to avoid making the rice oily. After add your oil, allow to steam then add your ground crayfish with 2½ cubes of maggi, pepper, 2 bulbs of sliced onions and other ingredients. I enjoy frying mine ingredients so that the scent would influence the kitchen and add flavour to the rice. IMG_20230711_214926_668.jpg

  • After frying for 2 minutes, turn of the heat and add salt to your rice contained in the basin. After adding salt to obtain balance, turn in the rice into the pot you used in frying those ingredients and then mix thoroughly. Ensure the rice blends with the ingredients......Add water to level the rice and the heat it again. IMG_20230711_215158_814.jpg

  • Before waiting for it to dry, taste the rice to see if the ingredients are balanced. If they are, wait until the rice dries. Once it dries, serve it on a flat plate and accompany it with a chilled drink and protein which is the egg as shown below. IMG_20230711_223324_185.jpg

Palm oil rice is one the the best local African dish ever.

Why I chose to prepare this recipe?

I choose to prepare this recipe because it's my favorite recipe and it's easy to cook. Under 45 minutes, you're good to go. It also doesn't need elaborate ingredients to prepare. With palm oil, crayfish, salt, maggi, pepper and onions, your food is served. The burnt part of the rice is always the sweetest part.....I enjoy eating that burnt part of palm oil rice. The food is really enjoyable the following day after you've heated it again.

Lessons you can learn from cooking with your hands

We all have hands, both male and female. In a family setting, it's known that the wife does cook for the family but you as a man can contribute in preparing the meal with her. Men can cook too. I wish you guys can have a taste of my rice. I bet you guys would enjoy it.

This is how to prepare the African Palm Oil Rice. called Rice Adañ in my locality....Call Mr chef @bossj23. It's not easy to try new methods of cooking.


I invite @uyisaac, @basil20, @patjewell, @usoro01, and @tomlister

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Mr Chef, I can see that you are good at this recipe. Palm oil rice looks easy to prepare with the simple way you have presented it here. The steps are clear and easy to follow. Hahaha, your chef cloth looks good on you. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have kept mine safe because I will be coming over to have it

Yours is reserved specially for you


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Curated by : @graceleon

Yummy, Mr. Chef!
Your food looks yummy!
How I wish that crayfish was so easily available and cheap here by us. It is one of my favorite seafood's.

We indeed use our hands to make food. So often, the preparations we do with them take so much longer than the cooking process.

Good luck with the contest, and thanks for the invitation!

I really appreciate. Thanks ma

Pleasure! ☕


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

  ·  last year (edited)

Hai teman
Gasil karya masakanmu sepertinya lezat dan dari tutorial yang kamu tampilkan cara membuatnya terlihat praktis.
Terimakasih sudah berbagi

Salam dan sukses

I appreciate. Thanks

Bossj23, it's always good to try out new recipe and you did justice to the food ingredients. The chef apron look nice on you. Please, I urge you to begin a challenge to break Hilda Baci record 😹😹😹. Awesome post, steem on ✌️

Seems that's what I'm going to try doing

Really a nice preparation, ofcourse this is not far from how i use to prepare it...i like this

Thanks Boss. I really appreciate

Wonderful presentation by you,if you can prepare this rice that means you will make a good father lol because not all men can cook, but I prefer my palm oil rice with dry fish and scent leaf.

I hate leaves in rice although they have nutritional value

Saludos amigo.

Es cierto los hombre también pueden cocinar y hacer execelente.

Gracias pro compartir tu receta que se ve muy sencilla, práctica y deliciosa.
Éxitos y buena suerte en el concurso

I really appreciate your nice comment


You have created a very good recipe with your own hands. It is a bit difficult for a man to work in the kitchen, but the way you worked in the kitchen and then shared your recipe with us in such a wonderful way, I applaud you.

Best wishes

Los amigos nigerianos e indonesios son amantes del arroz, viendo sus participantes he podido ver tantas formas de preparar el arroz, que he dicho que he perdido muchas oportunidades de comer este cereal tan nutritivo y rendidor.

Aquí en mi país se acostumbra a cocinar blanco, solo con agua y sal, pero ustedes lo condimentanny aliñan de tal forma que sus platos de ven coloridos y muy suculentos.

Tienes el talento en tus manos para cocinar y esto es fantástico porque quien ama la cocina siempre será recordado por sus comensales.

Felicitaciones por tu trabajo.


Hola @bossj23, admiro como preparar tu comida que te gusta y como lo dices en tus paso a paso, un arroz bien preparado con eso vegetales y huevo que debe ser muy sabroso.

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Really appreciate your hard work

Appreciated. Thanks

Hi, friend.
I know that men can also be very good in the kitchen, because I have uncles who prepare delicious food, like the rice that he shares with us today and with the boiled egg it has a good presentation.
Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

  ·  last year (edited)

Yeah sure, men can cook for a fact. Looking forward to placing a challenge with you

Hola amigo muy buena tu participación.

Gracias por mostrarnos otra forma de hacer el arroz al estilo nigeriano la mujer que llegue a ser tu esposa va a estar contenta de que sepas y te guste cocinar eso es un punto a tu favor para la princesa que gane tu corazón.

Te deseo mucho éxito en esta participación.

I can't heart this comment less. I appreciate your kind words. I love cooking a lot

Hola amigo que buena receta nos compartes, tu arroz se ve muy apetitoso y el emplatado te quedó muy bien acompañado de tu proteína te deseo mucho éxito saludos 🤗

Thank you so much ma

Saludos amigo.
Me gustó mucho tu receta 😋 nunca he preparado el arroz de esa manera en mi país no se da el aceite de palma.
Algo que me llamo la atención de tu publicación fue la manera como colocaste las fotos de cada una de los ingredientes en ese formato se ve muy bien.
Sabes quiero mejorar mis publicaciones y necesito seguí aprendiendo.puedes explicarme cómo lo hiciste?

It would be my pleasure. Is it the format I used in aligning my ingredients orr?

Palm oil rice is one of the meals I enjoy so much.
Asides being easy to prepare, it's always palatable even with limited ingredients.

Thanks for sharing your processing vividly.
I should be making this soon.

Thanks for your nice comment. I really appreciate

Ini terlihat seperti nasi goreng di negara kami. Pasti rasanya sangat enak dan lezat. Terlebih jika ditambahkan dengan telur ayam.
Saya berharap anda akan sukses dalam Tantangan ini my brother 👏

Wow..... Thanks for your comment. I think you too is a good chef

You have done a very beautiful job, brother. What you prepared was my favorite in school and something I loved preparing weekly. Indeed, you are a great chef, and I am sure your wife will enjoy you as a husband. Your food looks yummy, and I feel like having a taste of it. Best of luck to you.

You can turn on your Bluetooth let me transfer it 😂😂. Thanks for your nice comment. I really appreciate

Eres un gran cocinero, creía que iba a ver un trabajo rústico por ser un caballero, pero veo que sabes cocinar muy bien, yo también estoy aprendiendo a cocinar.

Hola, los caballeros también pueden deleitarnos en la cocina, me gusta el arroz sofrito, veo que es un plato muy popular allá y con el huevo frito salva la vida. Aquí uno de los platos populares es arroz sofritos con mariscos y es delicioso. También me gusta el famoso arroz a la cubana, lleva también el huevo frito .

El arroz es un alimento que representa abundancia y es muy rendidor, bendiciones y que el alimento nunca falte.

Amigo ese arroz se ve muy rico, los condimentos que usas me imagino que aparte del rico sabor que aportan al arroz, el aroma debe ser extraordinario. A mi me encanta el arroz.

Kudos to you bro, it’s always fantastic when a guy know how to cook, cos even when married, you won’t be left out when the chips are down. I feel like I’m perceiving the aroma of the meal. Well done bro 😎 ✌🏽