SEC-S17W6: Saving humanity

in hive-181136 •  5 months ago 

Several diseases in the world have hindered the normal flow of life of human beings and in some cases, they have caused an early life termination. Some are extremely deadly and people assume they have no cure.

In addition, these diseases have nothing to do with the financial status of the infected. They became manageable for those who have the financial capability to access the best healthcare and for extremely low-class patients, that could be an early giving up on life.

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Have you been to the hospital recently? You will see extremely poor people begging around for money to get drugs for their patients. Come to think of it, how would they afford the cost of a sophisticated surgery? It's crazy out there.

Let me leave you with a piece in the contest.

The Disease I would love its Eradication - Cancer

Cancer is one disease I would love to see fade away the space of the earth, it has killed a lot of people worldwide in recent years. Cancer is a disease that is formed from the abnormal regeneration of cells that have spread beyond the initial position over time.

Cancer | Pixabay

There are a lot of cancers depending on what part of the body there has been the growth of these abnormal cells. It can be;

  • Brain cancer.
  • Pancreas cancer.
  • Breast cancer.
  • Stomach cancer.
  • Lung cancer.
  • Anal cancer.
  • Leukemia (Cancer of the blood).
  • Skin cancer and so on.

Gone are the days when we grew up knowing that only breast cancer, the list goes on and on now.

Cancer can be treated even though it's only a few that get lucky enough to be declared free from cancer after treatment. Some of the treatments include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. The treatment of any cancer is subject to the stage of the cancer.

If there is a cure for cancer that eliminates cancer from its root thereby leading to the elimination of this deadly disease from the face of the earth, it will go a long way to enabling a lot of people to live a better life. Some of your friends you see around may be battling cancer without you knowing it.

People who have died from Cancer

In the last section, I discussed how we grew up in my village knowing only breast cancer, it's the only one we are familiar with because it's a major cancer type that has ended the lives of some mothers during that time.

The deaths of these people were a big shock to the community, we heard the stories of how they had undergone the removal of a breast even till the second and how that was not enough to keep them alive. That's one thing about cancer, it tends to spread beyond where that abnormality started from.

In recent years, I have seen many more cases of people dying of cancer because I've been close to the hospital due to my wife's profession. I have heard of people dying of pancreas cancer, liver cancer, leukaemia, lung cancer and even anal cancer.

Cancer Patient | Pexels

The hospital is now a place you don't wanna get too close to because you will hear a lot of deteriorating stories about people battling cancer or people that already lost the battle.

Our world without Cancer

Our world would have been a great place without cancer and some who died of one type of cancer or the other would have been here enjoying the best of their lives with the family they loved.

HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and others in the class are not a threat as they only require adequate intake of drugs to limit the growth of the cells as such most patients live up to the expected years on earth. It's not that simple in the case of cancer, it's complicated and even the treatment procedures for cancer sometimes cause more harm to other body cells.

I think we are in a stage where we shouldn't bother about a total cure for cancer but a breakthrough to limit the spread of these abnormal cells.


In conclusion, several diseases are out there in the world disturbing the peace of a lot of human beings. Cancer is one of those we believe there is no cure for at the moment. Most of these diseases have no regard for people's status, wealthy or poor.

I've always looked forward to owning a foundation that funds the treatment of poor people suffering from certain types of deadly diseases. That's quite achievable and I will get there by God's grace. It's a pleasure taking part in this and I would like to invite @dexsyluz, @inspiracion and @kouba01 to participate in the contest. Good luck, everyone.

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Usted tiene mucha razón @fredquantum, la salud es un tema muy sensible y complicado de abordar, hay personas que tienen la pagar los servicios médicos y se le facilita obtener tratamiento para curar algunas enfermedades, mientras que los que que no tienen recursos se les dificulta poder acceder a la medicina tratar sus dolencias y me gusta mucho la frase que usted utilizó, que para ellos puede "significar una renuncia temprana a la vida".
Por otra parte, el cáncer es una enfermedad que no discrimina edad, sexo, clase social, credo o religión, y está causando muchas muertes a nivel mundial y todavía no existe la cura a esta terrible enfermedad, o al menos es lo que informan las grandes corporaciones de la medicina.

Saludos y éxito en el concurso.


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Muchas gracias por leer y apoyar mi publicación.

That's very valid, cancer doesn't discriminate as such anyone can be a victim. Thanks for relating quite well with the content of this context.

Hola, he leido varias publicaciones y muchos coinciden contigo en que una de las peores enfermedades es el cáncer por su nivel de casos de personas fallecidas a nivel mundial y por la manera como vulnera a la víctima.

El cáncer ya sea de cualquier órgano vital como el pancrea, el hígado, de pulmón o estómago, es una enfermedad mortal porque poca gente se salva de fallecer. Es muy doloroso para el que lo padece y para las personas que acompañan al paciente.
Te deseo suerte mi amigo.

That's with no doubt, cancer is far deadlier than most other diseases.

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It's a great pleasure, dear friend.

Hi @fredquantum

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Oh! I didn't realize I've not powered up in recent weeks. Powered up now, I'm in #club75. Thanks dear, friend @inspiracion.


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Thanks so much for the support, dear friend @inspiracion.


El cáncer es una enfermedad sumamente agresiva y dolorosa pero que también implica un tratamiento muy agresivo que también afecta el cuerpo del paciente y muchas personas pierden la batalla debido a que el tratamiento también es muy costoso y no todos los pacientes tienen el acceso a estos tratamientos y por eso se incrementan las cifras de víctimas a causa del cáncer.

Thanks for your time.