My Scout Story. Steemit Stake Challenge Week 1 by @ishayachris

in hive-181136 •  2 years ago 
Greetings to the beautiful and amazing people of #scouts community. I believe we are all doing great, and enjoying the season2 week1 challenge. Today I welcome you to my blog where I will be sharing my scout story with you. Before I proceed, I want to appreciate the beautiful work of this community and it members. You guys are really doing a great job in making this platform lovely.


my scout story.

Ten (10) years ago, there was a small village called Higgi. Higgi happens to be a village under michika local government area, Adamawa state, Nigeria. The people of Higgi village are known for their hospitality, peace, unity, and harmony. They are so lovely that people use them when giving reference of a good character to younger generation.


Just of a sudden, the peace and harmony that Higgi people normally enjoy, turned to bitterness when unknown gunmen inverted the village. Their children were killed, under aged girls were raped and their Money and other properties were taken away. All these evil act kept on repeating itself on daily basis. Higgi people cried to the government for help, but all their cries and request was rendered abortive, as such, the king called all the villagers for meeting. In that meeting, all the strong and young men were asked to form a group capable of defending the land. lucky for me, I was also selected among the gallant men.


After the group was formed, we saw a need to give the group a name, and we decided to name it brotherhood. The objectives or goals of the brotherhood group was to restore peace, unity, and harmony back to Higgi land, by fighting the enemies that are terrorizing the land. The formation of the group, made both Young children, women, and old men happy, because they believe that the group will help restore the peace that the land have been enjoying.

As a new group, we were healthy, strong, and eager to defend our land, but we knew that we were lacking in experience on how to defend the land. The battle was not just for the strong looking men, but it needed a lot of experience on how to go about defending the land from enemies. As such, we decided to go to Garba chede for camping, so that we can be trained on how to defeat our enemies.


Garba chede is a town in Taraba state, Nigeria. The nature of Garba chede was quite different from Higgi land because, the weather of Garba chede happens to be intensively cool, with beautiful vegetations, and they have beautiful mountains, with waterfalls everywhere. As a matter of fact, we couldn't find it easy because, the weather was strange to us all.


Right from our first night in Garba chede's camp, we usually go around the bush in search of firewood, so that in the evening, we gather ourselves together and set fire (campfire) in order to warm our body from the intensive cool weather of Garba chede.


Whenever we find ourselves around the campfire, we usually sing a song which says "we are the youth of our generation, our name is brotherhood, we are born to defend our sisters, our brothers, and our parents 2×. If we die, we die together as hero's, if we live, we live together as conquerors 2×. Are we going to surrender? No, we are not born to be Coward's, so we can't surrender, we can't go back, we must fight for the right of our sisters, brother's, and our parents. Thats what makes us who we are. 2×"
The song always build our confidence, and make us remember our duties as the youth of Higgi land.


After six month of camping, we were equipped and ready to face the challenge. Our blood was burning, and we were eager to depart Garba chede to our dear Higgi land. On arriving our land, all our brothers, sisters, and parents welcomed us with joying on their faces, but behind their smile, I noticed a pain of voilence. they have suffered a lot from enemies, but finally, their children are here to protect and give them back their happiness.


In less than a week after our arrival, we conquered all the enemies that have been terrorizing our land. Our training haven't been in vain. We restored the harmony, unity, and peace that we use to enjoy back to our land. Our brothers and sisters are now living in happiness. No more sorrow, no more pain. We stood together, and fought for our right.


In conclusion, we suffered violence, but at the end, we conquered because we took it as a responsibility on us the youth to fight for our rightful place. Today, we are happy again, and this happiness shall continue to the end of time.

thank you so much for reading me through.

I invite @kawsar, @bossj23, @beewrites, @chichieze, @starrchris, @josantos, @sameer07, @patience90, and @patjewell to participate in this contest.

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It's a great struggle my brother. Your struggle is not in vain. Of course you have found the sweetness.

Because life is a struggle, don't waste your struggle.


Thank you so much sir.

Hello friend!!! a story full of emotions, which shows that teamwork but above all brotherhood can solve any problem.
How sad the story began because of the mistreatment of the children, women and men but then as they united they were able to change everything.
They also camped and enjoyed the beautiful nature.

Friend thank you very much for sharing your scout story!! with us.
Likewise, my friend, I recommend that you add a review or caption to each image, of course in addition to the source from which it comes from, which you have already added.

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Thank you so much for the review and the recommendation. I will do just as you recommend next time

Reading Through your article, I most say you have taken your time to explain your camping experience well. Actually camping experience is always great and the memories is very hard to forget.

It's very good to know that after your training you guys were able to conquer the enemies. Best of luck my friend.

Thank you so much dear friend. I really value your comments

Its a great thing that you guys joined hands together to fight and defend your territory. You really have written well dear friend. I love every bit of your write up. Keep it up.
Wish you all the best

Thank you for your kind comments bro. I really appreciate.

It such a good story, am glad you triumph at the end, and the song the brotherhood sang was a interesting one
Best of luck

Thank you so much ma'am

I am a sir 😁

This story is very interesting and I enjoyed reading it.keep it up my friend you have done a nice job.

Thank you so much dear friend. I really appreciate your comment

En la unión está la fuerza y por eso lograron que todos se unieran para poder disfrutar de este momento y de la belleza de la naturaleza, cuando hay un comienzo triste debemos buscar las estrategias para que todo cambie para bien.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

I completely believe you sir. Indeed, unity is strength. Thank you for checking on me

@ishayachris, Unfortunately this situation that you narrate about the terrorists who kill and rob innocent people in those towns.

And that thanks to the fact that they joined and trained to gain experience and strength, they were able to free their people from the injustices and suffering that they were going through.

I hope that in real life Nigeria will get rid of these terrorists who kill innocent people for the power of these murderous groups.

Goodbye wishing you have a great day..

Despido deseando tengas un excelente día.

Thank you sir

Hola amigo.
Muchjas emociones en un amisma historia, un pasado cruel y despiadado que marcó la vida de muchas personas en tu aldea.
La organización, la disciplina, el entusiasmo y el deseo de librar a tu región de esa mala gente fue al que los motivó a que hicieran una ehrmandad y se desarrollaran como sus guardianes, lo cual, al poco tiempo logró doblegar a todos aquellos que anteriormente les robaban y ofendían.

La naturaleza se encargí de brindarle sun gran entrenamiento.


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