SEC-S17W3- "Let's talk about Ponzi scheme

in hive-181136 •  11 months ago  (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello Everyone I Am @memamun
From #Bangladesh


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Dear friends and brothers, hope all are well. Alhamdulillah I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. Health is a great gift from God. I express my gratitude to him by thanking him for this blessing. Today I came to the Healthy Steem community. Where the engagement contest is being organized. The subject of the contest is SEC-S17 / W3 |" Let's talk about Ponzi scheme" From the best of my knowledge on this subject I will try to write inshallah. So let's begin.

Have you ever heard about ponzi schemes?

Yes I have heard about ponzi scheme, it is a kind of fraud where new investors money is given to old investors. And later everyone's money is looted through fraud. The term Ponzi scheme is originally named after an Italian man named Charles Ponzi. It's kind of Investment method where investors are first lured by promises of profits and money is taken from them.


And they are duped by claiming to provide profits from legitimate businesses. In this way, profits are paid from the money of new investors to sustain the old investors. The scheme continues for as long as the investors continue to invest and old investors get their full investment. Do not want money back. Thus at some point the scheme collapses and the rest of the money is misappropriated by the person running the scheme.

Have you been offered to invest in any of these schemes?

Nowadays, various websites promise high profits, first ask people to invest, and then give back double the amount invested. Later when the investors re-invest in the hope of additional profits, they do not get their money back but instead have to pay more money. It is also a kind of ponzi scheme.


I have also been a victim of such scams, but I refrained from investing because I had a prior idea about it. Every person should stay away from such spam websites and be cautious. Otherwise, you will have to suffer a lot later. Every person should make an informed and fact-checking decision to take And always proceed with caution.

Do you know how to detect Ponzi schemes?

It is not that difficult to spot a Ponzi scheme. When someone promises you more profits, it means that he has a vested interest behind it. So when someone promises you more profits and asks you to invest, you should definitely stay away. But if you want to go alone, check the truth A decision should be made.

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At present, there are various types of fraud circles around us, who constantly cheat people and embezzle money and eventually make them proletarians. So if you ever find yourself in such a situation, you must try to deal with such situations with intelligence and caution.

Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?

I have invested in various websites. I have been cheated a lot and lost money. Then when I found this platform I loved it. Because I had absolutely no intention of ever investing in an investment site. Because I have never profited from the investment site but I am a victim of fraud have been

Then I searched which is the best website where I can get paid according to my efforts. Then you can understand how much honesty and trust I place on the Steemit platform. I have been on this platform for over a year. So far I have not been scammed. A proper platform. a Platform of love. I love this platform.


Well friends, that's it for my participation, I hope it is to everyone's liking. And I thank you in advance for the comment and support that you are willing to leave me.

I invite @eliany @radjasalman and @waterjoe to participate in this challenge.


Thank you everyone

Good Bye


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amigo

Eso es lo importante de estar informados, el poder reconocer cuándo una oferta de negocios o inversión no es buena, porque la información nos ayuda a no caer en estas trampas que nos hacen perder mucho dinero.

Lamentablemente son muchas las familias y personas que han caído y perdido todo. Que bueno que en tu caso el poder tener algo de conocimiento al respecto te libró de la estafa.

En Steemit podemos tener confianza y seguridad todo es visualmente seguido y no hay que invertir para generar ganancias.

Éxitos y buena suerte.

প্রিয় বন্ধু।

অসাধারণ একটা মতামত পেয়ে আমি আনন্দিত। পঞ্জি সম্পর্কে আমার ধারনা থেকে লেখার চেষ্টা করেছি। তবে আমার লেখা তখনই পরিপূর্ণতা পেলো যখন আপনি সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য করলেন। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য পেশ করার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন।

Greetings friend
Great thoughts you’ve shared here. Having gone through your post, it’s as if most of us in one way or the other has fallen victim to this crazy stuff about Ponzi scheme. I too, I lost alot of money and mostly borrowed one. I keep getting offers every now and then to join the recent ones trending but am glad I’ve learnt from my mistakes and just like you, I am being very careful with all this promising schemes with low risk as they promise. I just think we should focus on what works and what we won’t loose our money in just like steemit. Do take care of you and best regards

Thank you dear friend. They dominate us with recent greed. Later, when their objective is achieved, they throw us away. We should all stay away from them. stay well

I really understand what you went through when you were fraud, is good you are not falling for them again. One thing I keep wondering is that where are they expecting money to pay off this people they give high promises.

For me I don't think they can ever get me again because I know all their tricks.
I wish you good luck
