Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 5, Week 2 3 images, one story

in hive-181136 •  2 years ago 

One of the most necessity needs of human kind, which could be enlisted under the psychological needs of human in the Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs. Food can be said to be the fuel of human broken down into glucose which is needed for the human body to run ahead it’s daily activities. Foods are broken down into different classes which are the protein, fats and oil, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.


And each one of them have their various functions in the body just as there are different food substances where each class of food can be found richly. A good set of food would help the living of a fruitful and nutritious life. Also say balanced diet helps improve the daily life of individuals.

After eating or before eating it’s recommended to always take a full glass cup of water for it helps the system digest food faster and easier and also taking in fruits and vegetables also helps in improving the body system and also making the body strong and responsible for making the skin glow and look alright.


Can be explained to be a currency placed with a value of exchange to be used in purchasing or selling of items or rendering of services. Money can be used for three motives which are:



  1. Transactional motive: this is the use of funds to perform an exchange for goods and services on consumption usage

  2. Precautionary motive: this another use of money to help caution crisis that are unforeseen. Just like saying saving money for later days

  3. Speculative motive: just as the name implies it meant money earned for the use of special reasons or to satisfy specific needs that have been long wanted for.

Money is one of the most important items of a human for it is used to purchase items and satisfy the need for a commodity, one might classify the need for money under psychological needs. Different type of items that serves as money are like old used cowries, coins and paper minted notes with stamps from the government showing they are legal for usage.


As a human before or after the achievement of goals and heart desires the need to have friends, family and well-wishers is another important need of human, which could be classified under the self actulization need of man, which summarizes the need for human to be loved and given attention.



It’s no new coincidence that a man need a place and group of confidants where he could call home. Family gives human a reason to live on and helps in having a back to lean on no matter the consequences. Families are mostly built on trust and being together for each other and creating valuable moments

These three items are basically what a humans life channels around in helping each individual become a better person.

Food which I put as the first item dictates the most important necessity of a human without food he would suddenly grow a desire to survive, because he won’t be able to think straight or reasonably about anything else.

Then next is money, after a man has satisfied his stomach he then starts to crave for things like shelter, clothing and other tangible assets and purchasing them would demand the use of money.
And lastly the need for family, like explained the need for a friend to confide in and a family which consist of a place where he can call home is next after a man has satisfied his monetary needs and wants.

A human being having these three essentials of life will be able to achieve potential heights as long as he or she has the right amount of motivation to cheer him when ever he is felling depressed or having self esteem difficulties.

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Saludos @preshglam1 el desafío de esta semana consiste en crear una historia con tres imágenes propias , te invito a revisar las reglas del concurso y recrear una historia con 3 fotos propias

Te invito a comentar y apoyar el resto de las participaciones y a hacer uso eficiente de tu poder de voto

Descripción✅ / ❌totales
Steemexclusivo1 /1
Sin plagio1/1
Sin bots1/1
clubesclub50501 /1
Rebaja1 /2

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These are the fundamental aspects about everything as you set in the publication of contest friend. Have a good luck with your story from three pictures. Happy weekend by the way. Cheers 👍🏼

Hola @preshglam1 me gustó cómo hablates de tu historia también me gustó la foto familia que publicaste se ve muy hermosa. No te desanimes sigue adelante. De deseo fuerte en las próximas publicaciones.