Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 4 || It All Ends With Death? ||steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-181136 •  2 years ago  (edited)

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I'm fine and I hope you're fine. This is the 4 week of the 8 Season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. In order to participate in this task, I prepared my post and explained it in simple terms so that all new users can easily understand it. This contest "It All Ends With Death?" I invite my friends @sardarkhudayar , @suboohi , @mumar and @hafizfarooq2686 to participate my contest.

Do you believe in life after death?

Muslims believe that the present life is a test to prepare for the next world of existence. When a Muslim dies, he is washed, wrapped in a clean white cloth (usually by a family member) and buried after a special prayer, preferably on the same day. Muslims see this as a last service to their relatives and an opportunity to remember that their time on earth is short.

All of God's prophets encouraged their families to worship God and believe in life after death. He emphasized the belief in life after death to such an extent that even the slightest doubt about it makes it meaningless to deny God and all other beliefs.

The fact that all of God's prophets approached this metaphysical question of life after death with certainty and equality—in some cases separated by thousands of years of life—proves that life is life. This is the source of their knowledge. After death, as they all declared, it was the same thing, that is, a divine revelation.

As we know, these prophets of God were opposed by their people, especially in the matter of life after death, because their people considered it impossible. They could not, because the perceptual experience of life after death is impossible.

It is this awareness that guides a person to truths that cannot be verified by sense data. That is why all of God's prophets emphasized the aesthetic, moral and rational consciousness of man and urged people to believe in God and life after death.

Do you think of death as something natural? Or do you avoid everything related to this topic?

I am from a Muslim family and we believe in our Almighty God and we consider Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) the last of the prophets and we worship him because he gave us life and death into his own hands. What came to this world did not come to eternity. Men and women, old and young. Everyone has left this world. But there is no command to leave, so we must do good so that we can achieve success in this world and the Hereafter, as well as worship God and accept Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) as the Seal of the Prophet, including prayer, fasting, zakat, and so on.

We will have hajj, almsgiving and zakat for the poor. Helping the poor, helping others, etc. Death is a natural part of life and it's okay to think about it from time to time. But we think that we should think about death several times a day so as not to do bad things, but people with mental illness very often think about death more than usual. So death is real, so don't worry about it, do good deeds and make your afterlife easier.

Have you been in a situation that has put you at risk of death? What did you feel?

This question brought up one of my terrifying memories, which I will explain because the case was very difficult for me, but I will describe it well. So, I will tell my story, which was the hardest thing in my life, it happened 3 years ago. I had a slight headache, but over time it became more and more difficult for me.

The desire to breathe fresh air. I roam the streets of Rorky, hanging out with my friends. One day he started to go down. Besides my headache, I also had a fever and it got worse. Two days later, one afternoon, I was lying in bed feeling very ill. It's like someone is sucking the air out of me. I told my father that I thought I was going to die.

Do something.To my parents. For my friends. And for myself. The next thing I remember, I was in the intensive care unit. No memory of what happened. I was told that I had a seizure and lost consciousness for about a day. I redoubled my efforts and thankfully got out of intensive care a few days later. This was really scary. And I knew what it meant to be alive. This is our most valuable gift.

After that, I thanked my Lord, and that day I realized that the real purpose of life is not to move back and forth, I appreciate it and you will appreciate it, so if we are healthy today, take care of it. Whenever a person suffers from a headache, he does not like any noise around him, so his health is also in order. Appreciate it, because if there is life, then there is peace.

How do you want remembered after you die?

As we all know, every person who comes into this world must taste death. Every person lives a temporary life in this world. It always has been and always will be, so when we know that our life is temporary, why not live it well. In this world, history always remembers the righteous, so no matter how many lives we live.

Live with dignity, be honest with others, speak the truth, do good to others, help others, help the poor and needy, and whenever you meet someone, be sincere and kind so that people will be happy because of you. I spend a few days of my life well, so that this world and the future life will go well, and that people will write good letters to you.

Best Regards by


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Ciertamente la muerte es un proceso natural y nos ocurrirá a todos, independiente de la región que profesemos lo importe es creer, y esperar confiados en nuestro creador que es quien hace posible lo que parece imposible.

La muerte es muy dura, solemos sufrir mucho por su causa, pero debemos tener presente que todo moriremos.

éxitos con tu participación.buena suerte en el concurso

Dear @mayepariata Thank you so much for reading my contest and considering it worthy of a comment.

Hola amigo @rabnawazsardar
Para muchos el tema de la muerte no se toca o se menciona muy poco, sin embrago a través de este Challenge he notado que para los musulmanes se les hace fluido tratar este tema, pues tienen creencias firmes que les garantizan ver este evento como algo natural y como parte de la vida, es así como debería verse pero para muchos no resulta de esa manera.

Vivir de la mejor manera poniendo en manifiesto valores que son importantes para la sociedad hará que las personas le recuerden tal y como se comporto con ellos y con los que están a su alrededor.

En lo que respecta a las imágenes 3 de ellas son de Pixabay y no Pixels, seria bueno que edite su publicación y lo corrija.

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Gracias por participar en esta semana de Challenge