Club 5050 || My activity : Learn Navigation Science to prepare for adventure in the wild

in hive-181136 •  3 years ago 
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Good morning friends in this wonderful scout community. I hope you continue to share good things with others. And hopefully always in good health. Today I and my friends are studying land navigation. I will review it below.


Being active in the wild sometimes we have to prepare various knowledge so that when we do activities we can do it optimally. One of the sciences that we must learn is the science of land navigation. The science of navigation becomes very important in outdoor exploration activities because the direction is very crucial when exploring. By knowing the science of navigation, we can also minimize the occurrence of 'lost'.

Land navigation is a practical science. We cannot immediately master it in a day or two of studying it. In order to master it, we have to keep practicing and practicing it. Understanding of theory and concepts is only an auxiliary factor, it does not guarantee that if you know the theory completely, then your navigational ability will be high.



Ground navigation is the determination of the position and direction of travel, both on a map and on real terrain. As people who are close to nature, knowledge of navigation science in this case maps and compasses and how to use them is absolutely a must-have. Traveling to far and unknown places will become easier and safer.

In general, the map is meant as a two-dimensional depiction on a flat plane, of part or all of the earth's surface seen from above, and reduced or enlarged by a certain scale comparison. The map itself then develops according to the needs and uses. For land navigation purposes, generally using topographic maps.




Topographic maps map places on the earth's surface that are the same elevation from sea level to form contour lines, with contour lines representing one height. Although the Topographic Map maps each specific elevation interval, it also includes various information that will help to find out more about the mapped area of ​​the earth's surface. The contents of the map include the map title, Karvak, contour, scale, legend, cardinal directions and coordinates to represent the features found in the actual terrain.

In Indonesia, the maps that are commonly used are the maps produced by the Directorate of Geology in Bandung, then the maps from the Bureau of Topology, which are often referred to as AMS (American Map Service) maps, were made by the Americans and were generally issued in 1960. AMS maps are typically 1:50,000 in scale with contour intervals (distance between contours) of 25 m. In addition, there is a newer Bakosurtanal (National Mapping and Survey Coordination Agency) output map, with a scale of 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 (with contour intervals of 12.5 m). Bakosurtanal output maps are usually in color




Next we have to know the compass. Compass is a tool for indicating direction. The compass itself has been known since 900 years ago as evidenced by the discovery of an ancient compass used by Chinese warriors around 1100 AD. Because of its magnetic nature, the compass needle always points north and south (if it is not influenced by the presence of other magnetic forces besides the earth's magnet).


The direction indicated by the compass needle is the magnetic north pole of the earth which does not coincide with the north pole of the earth, approximately north of Canada, in the Boothia peninsula about 1400 miles or about 2250 km. But for practical purposes, map north, true north and compass/magnetic north are considered the same

That's all I wrote about our activities studying land navigation. Hopefully useful to all readers.

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La Cartografía es un tema muy importante en la formación de un Scout, ya que nos provee de herramientas valiosas para la Exploración de nuevas rutas de excursionismo así como nos ayuda a conocer más el terreno, a pesar que la tecnología a avanzado tanto en base a Geolocalización electrónica nunca debemos de dejar el aprendisaje de la Cartografía y uso de la Brújula a un lado cuando la tecnología falla Estos nunca estos nos dejarán mal.

I totally agree bro. This knowledge must be mastered by outdoor activists such as scouts.

Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Curated by Blessed-girl


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Un excelente trabajo enseñando cartografía a los scouts.
Un importante apoyo para las expediciones en terrenos desconocidos y para el levantamiento de mapas.

Estimado amigo @samsol003, le recordamos que dentro de las normas de apoyo para la comunidad el % de recompensas es del 15 % y no del 10 %. Así mismo, le recomendamos al delegación como señal de apoyo a nuestra cuenta curadora @hive-181136, lo cual está establecido en nuestras normas de convivencia. Muchas gracias por su atención.



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